Documentation Research and Training Centre, Indian Statistical Institute 8th Mile Mysore Road R V Collge Post Bangalore 560059 Ph-28483002/3/4/5 Extn. 490 , 28482711 Golden Jubilee DRTC Alumni Symposium ------------------------------------ Towards Innovation in Library and Information Science Research and Education Date: 9th July 2012 Time: 10 am -5 pm Venue: DRTC , ISI Campus, 8th Mile Mysore Road, Bangalore As part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of DRTC/ISI, DRTC Alumni meet will be held on 9th July 2012 at DRTC, ISI campus, Bangalore, just before the Golden Jubilee International Conference ICTK-2012 which is from 10-13th July 12. It is our aim to revisit the goals and objectives of DRTC. The views and suggestions of Alumni will be solicited so that we can redesign our goals and objectives suitable for the present situation. Programme 10-10.30 am Inauguration DRTC Multimedia Presentation 10.30 -11 am Tea/Coffee 11 12.00 pm Session I Address by Head, DRTC Felicitation to Senior DRTC Alumni Down the memory lane 12 1.30 pm Session II Revisiting the goals and objectives of DRTC Teaching and Education 1.30 2.30 Lunch 1.30 2.30 4 pm Session III DRTC Research Agenda 2050 4 4.15 pm Tea/Coffee 4.15 5.15 Resolutions and Valedictory ================================================ (ONLY FOR DRTC ANLUMNI) =================================================== -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.