Dear Moderator: Kindly arrange to announce the following information for
the benefit of forum members.
Call for Papers
International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2013)
27-29 November 2013, New Delhi
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) is organizing International
Conference on Digital libraries (ICDL 2013) during 27-29 November 2013 at
New Delhi. The conference will also aim at further strengthen the academic
collaboration and strategic alliance in development of DL in the world.
Theme of the conference is Vision 2020: Looking back 10 years and forging
new frontiers.
In recent past TERI had organized three major ICDL conferences during
2004, 2006 and 2010 which were proved to be useful tools to bridge digital
divide between developed and developing countries. It was able to create
awareness and enthusiasm among the community. Please visit
www.teriin.org/events/icdl for further details.
Aim: ICDL 2013 is expected to be a major forum focusing on digital
libraries and related technologies and issues. This conference would
facilitate exchange of ideas and experiences to bridge knowledge gaps in
these areas and sustain the knowledge thus gained. It is expected to become
a platform to bring together a galaxy of experts, researchers, academics,
students, and others.
Call for Paper
Important dates
Submission of full papers
20 July 2013
Notification of acceptance of paper with comments 15 September 2013
Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments 10 October 2013
ICDL 2013 invites original submissions focusing on the theme of the
conference— Vision 2020: Looking back 10 years and forging new frontiers.
Contributions are invited for conference sessions and tutorials. Topics for
contributions (but are not limited to) include the following.
• DL development, architecture, and management
• Information storage and retrieval
• Multi-linguality and interoperability issues
• Digital rights management
• Digital preservation and access management
• DL best practices
• E-learning and e-publishing
• DL standards and policy
• Open archives initiatives
• ODOL (Open, distance, and online learning)
• Multimedia content
• Sustainable DL model
• DL service marketing
• Digital research libraries
• Social media and network analysis
• Collaborative knowledge creation
• Information quality management
• Enterprise 2.0 and collaborative model
• Knowledge management business models
• Convergence of knowledge management and learning system
• Mobile technology and service-oriented architecture
• Information and communication model
• Knowledge management best practices
Paper submission guidelines and date
ICDL invites original papers typed on MS Word. The word limit for each
paper is 5000 words. All papers should be written in English for acceptance
for presentation in the conference. Each submitted paper will be reviewed
by a panel of experts and only well-researched and well-written papers will
be accepted for presentation. It is expected that all accepted papers will
be presented at the conference by the author(s). A few papers shall also be
selected for the poster session presentation. The conference proceedings
that will be distributed to the participants will include the selected
papers (for presentation at the conference) and abstracts (selected for
presentation in the poster session).
Papers may be submitted either in hard copy format to the ICDL