From the RePEc perspective, a discipline can be viewed a set of four
basic elements that are related to each other: paper, collection,
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:46:21 -0600
From: Gerry Mckiernan
I am pleased to announce the publication and availability of the last
and final part in my series on Open Archives Initiative Service
"Open Archives Initiative Service Providers. Part III: General,"
Library Hi Tech News 21 (1) (January/February 2004): 38-46.
In this part, I profile:
CILEA Open Archives Platform
ePrints UK
NDLTD Union Catalog (Electronic Thesis/Dissertation OAI Union Catalog
bases At OCLC)
Public Knowledge Project Archives Harvester
I am also pleased to announce the availability of previously published
articles that profile Open Access and the Open Archives resources and
" The Los Alamos National Laboratory e-Print Server,"
International Journal on Grey Literature 1 (3) (2000): 127-138.
Since its creation nearly ten years ago, the Los Alamos National
Laboratory (LANL) e-print service ( has revolutionized
scholarly communication within many scientific communities. It has also
inspired the development of alternatives to conventional and electronic
journal publication in a variety of other disciplines. The LANL e-print
database is also serving as the core collection for two major
investigations that seek to enhance access and navigation within and
between electronic archives and
special collections.
NOTE: The is now based at Cornell University.
"Perspectives in Electronic Publishing: An Open
Access-Dynamic-Virtual Electronic Journal, " Library Hi Tech News,
18(9) (October 2001): 19-27.
Perspectives in Electronic Publishing (
pep.nsf/) is a "new model e-journal" that covers a broad range of
topics relating to electronic networked publishing, with an emphasis on
academic publishing and journals. In addition, PeP includes publications
that discuss a wide range of scientific, technological and humanistic
disciplines in the context of electronic publishing."
As characterized by its editor, Stephen M. Hitchcock, Perspectives in
Electronic Publishing (PeP), is a "distributed linkbase journal" and
an "evaluated journal with full-text papers distributed on the Web."
PeP may also be considered a review journal in that it provides critical
assessments of major aspects and components. journal in that it
provides selected extracts from source publication. In that it provides
summaries and indexing of its primary and secondary content, it may also
be considered an abstractingand indexing service. Alternatively, PePmay
be viewed as a "vertically integrated portal", a resource discovery
tool, or a subject-based information gateway ("What is PeP?", n.d.).
In that its core content - open access full-text publications - is not
original to the journal but incorporated within it, PeP may also be
viewed as a "virtual e-journal
"RePEc: An Open Library for Economics," Library Hi Tech News 18(3)
(April 2001): 21-31.
person, and institution. Using a distinct ReDIF template for each of
these elements, RePEc offers a centralized catalog of records for
working papers, journal articles, and software components (paper);
journals and working paper series (collection); authors of papers or
editors of collections (person); and the names of organizations that
conduct economics research (institution).
Gerry McKiernan
Previously Published Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011
"You should never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight
for freedom and liberty."
Henrik Ibsen (1828 - 1906)