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Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 18:36:03 +0530
From: atanu
As per the Govt circular, based on the Finance Act, 1994, all 'Online and off-line products' will now attract a service tax of 12.36%. Earlier these products / services were under negative list. Such a change in the policy will put pressure on the already constrained library budget.
In view of this policy change, most of the vendors have postponed forwarding subscription to the publishers with an assumption the Govt may withdraw the change and it seems have also made representation in this regard.
As we are gearing up for next year renewals, the matter will be of serious concerns to all of us. Please refer to section 75 of the below mentioned circular :
It says "on-line information and database access or retrieval" means providing data or information, retrievable or otherwise, 5[to any person], in electronic form through a computer network"
Our regular vendors have already indicated that, henceforth, libraries need to pay a service tax of 12.36% for renewing online journals and databases.
I highly appreciate further debate on this issue. Can our associations and consortia coordinators, take up this matter immediately with the concerned Department/ Ministry to seek exemptions ?
Dr.G.K.Manjunath Chief Librarian Indira Gandhi Inst of Development Research Film City Road Santosh Nagar Goregaon(East ) MUMBAI - 400 065 India Phone: 022-28416528 email: gkm@igidr.ac.in