Respected Sir/Madam and Dear Friends, If the seed of Open Access can be shown properly to the bed of Five Laws of Library Science of Dr. Ranganathan it wil be more stable and enduring then it can not be rooted out by any copyright lobby.Our main motto is to provide right information to the right people at the right time so that our society can excel in every sphere of life .This way we do connect us to the developmental process of our nation.This has also been mentioned in our Indian constitution as our fundamental duty(Part IV -A /Article 51-A of the constitution)- To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement.To excel in any sphere of life , access to the right information is a very basic need and if people are denied to that, then we will have to compromise with the future of the country in terms of R & D, economy, competitiveness etc. We are facilitating and empowering people by providing information in order to fulfil their fundamental duties towards nation. And we can not afford compromise to function as copyright cops deviating from our core duty as information provider . Multinational Publishing houses can not expects us to do that but at the same time I am not saying that Library/ information professionals should be gross copyright violators. We will have to fight back keeping everything in mind to make our dream of Open Acess come true. SABUJ KUMAR CHAUDHURI SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARAY & INFORMATION SCIENCE JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY KOLKATA-700 032 --------------------------------- Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, easy and free. Do it now... Respected Sir/Madam and Dear Friends, If the seed of Open Access can be shown properly to the bed of Five Laws of Library Science of Dr. Ranganathan it wil be more stable and enduring then it can not be rooted out by any copyright lobby.Our main motto is to provide right information to the right people at the right time so that our society can excel in every sphere of life .This way we do connect us to the developmental process of our nation.This has also been mentioned in our Indian constitution as our fundamental duty(Part IV -A /Article 51-A of the constitution)- To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievement .To excel in any sphere of life , access to the right information is a very basic need and if people are denied to that, then we will have to compromise with the future of the country in terms of R & D, economy, competitiveness etc. We are facilitating and empowering people by providing information in order to fulfil their fundamental duties towards nation. And we can not afford compromise to function as copyright cops deviating from our core duty as information provider . Multinational Publishing houses can not expects us to do that but at the same time I am not saying that Library/ information professionals should be gross copyright violators. We will have to fight back keeping everything in mind to make our dream of Open Acess come true. SABUJ KUMAR CHAUDHURI SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARAY & INFORMATION SCIENCE JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY KOLKATA-700 032 Copy addresses and emails from any email account to Yahoo! Mail - quick, easy and free. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/uk/taglines/default/trueswitch/*http://uk.docs.y... Do it now...