Indeed a great loss to the profession and, of course to his
family. But one must pray for the kind of end he met. Just about to leave with
his son for Delhi, (whom I had summoned from there after talking to Prof
Kaula, only a day before to take him along for a while) saying 'bye bye'
to his daughter, son-in-law, and attendant and then breathing his last. A REAL
HERO IN LIFE AND IN DEATH. I join one and all in the profession in praying for
the departed soul to rest in peace and Almighty granting courage to the family
to bear the loss. Roshan
Cremation took
place on August 31, at 12.45 pm in Lucknow only. A wreth was placed on the body
of Prof. Kaula by UPLA Office bearers. Today there is Shanti path at his
residence (C 239 Indira Nagar) between 1600-1700 hrs.