Respected collegues of the Library Professional: On 5th Jan I had sent out a message on the LIS forum on the above topic.. I would like to respond to the same. I have recieved many replies and interestingly those who have OA inititive in their Libraries are from NIC and IGIDR. That is my point exactly when we have such a large population of Librarians in our country why only a select few can take up such projects.. Answers to this are many.. my only conclusion is that it is not very probable to undertake this kind of tasks without Committment from within and the organization you work in. Hence my mail to the LIS Forum. Interestingly I have come accross one email from Divan Enterprises a part of Globe publishing which has undertaken a very valient effort in this direction. His objective is to have a single platform of Indian Journals and to highlight Indian Contributions Globally. He is in constant touch with various Indian Publishers to give him the right to host their Journals online as well as provide this service to all Librraies. For procuring Indian Journals online abstracts and full text.. This I found to be the answer to what I was trying accomplish.. I request that all of us should write to the publishesrs of journals which we subscribe and ask them to host their journal on the site.. This is the address of the site. I request your feedback on this and hope to get good cooperation from Publishers and Libraries to support this.. With regards chitra Rao Sr Librarian and Head LIS NITIE Mumbai 400 087 ph: 28573371 extn 337