Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 06:54:58 +0100 (BST)
From: "[iso-8859-1] vijaya kumara"
Moderator's Note:
I feel we have had enough discussion on the above subject matter and in
the interests of all the members we should stop further discussion on this
topic. Members who want to express their comments on the this topic main
write to "vijaya kumara ' directly. May be Mr.
Vijaya Kumar can come out with his strategy, based on his experience and
the inputs he has received from LIS-Forum, as to how should an institution
go about in procuring large number of *useful* books in one shot.
--------note ends here---------
Stimulating to the mail of our Library professional Mr. Abhilash,
SKCET-coimbatore on 25,000 titles of Engineering.
As per you, the function of LIS forum is to solve the problems which are
or which will be faced by junior/ senior library professionals, but it
should not be used as a stage for critiscising the problem(s)/ request of
any library professionals. We should always use LIS forum to give moral
support or practical solution to over come the problem(s), which yields to
use of LIS forum once again for the benefit of library and library user
Mr. Abhilash points out that, "One of our respectable member tried to lay
a partition line between Private College librarians and Public
Librarians". But I didn't find any particition which layed by one of the
member, but I find amalgamation of vegetables and books, vegetable market
and library only.
I think Mr. Abhilash and other library professionals will accept my
response in the right way
Vijayakumar M