It is very sad to know that F.W. Lancaster is no more! Over a period of four decades F.W Lancaster was continuously engaged as a visionary leader in the field of Library and Information Science. His research, writings, and teachings have earned him the highest honor in the profession . F.W. Lancaster excelled at many fronts as as scholar, educator, mentor, and writer. He visited India (Indian Statistical Institute), 1991 as Fulbright scholar and spent lot of time in the library (ISIBC) Recipient of the 1978, and 1992 award by the American Society for Information Science for the best book of the year on information science. His classic books are bible for the LIS professions namely , Indexing and abstracting theory and practice, If you want Evaluate your library Services, Paper Less Society,Online Systems for Information Access and Retrieval . I join thousands of professional friends around the world to condole his death and pray almighty to give peace to his soul. Regards, M.Krishnamurthy ************************************************************** Dr. M.Krishnamurthy,M.A.M.L.I.Sc.Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar, University of Illinois, USA. Faculty, DRTC, Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore- 560059 India URL: http://www.isibang.ac.in/~krish/ Phone No : 91-80-28483002/4/5 Ext 493 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.