As promised - one major release every 45 days and sub release every 3 weeks, we are happy to release version 3.0.3 update 1. In this email we are summarizing all the features of Version 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3(Including the latest update) .What's new in 3.0? 1. A major change in technologies used: NGL 3.0 uses Java 6.0, Apache Tomcat 6.0, Spring Framework, and Hibernate Framework. 2. For Bibliographic and Authority data searches NGL now uses Solr. Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project. This makes your catalog searches very fast. 3. In Cataloging, you can now define your own data entry templates. We have already put a few frequently used templates. 4. You can define your own search indexes. 5. OPAC now displays Book covers, Google previews and is also integrated with Syndetics. 6. OPAC is Zotero compliant. 7. Mobile alerts: NGL can now be integrated to SMS gateways. Mobile alerts will be sent to user's mobiles at the time of check in and check out. The following functionalities are added in the latest release(3.0.3 and 3.0.3 update 1)More sophisticated Circulation privileges - Overall loan limit feature added. For example, your users are entitled to loan 10 books, 5 CDs, 3 Reference material. If you set the Overall loan limit as 10 then the user irrespective of material category can loan only 10 items - Overnight loans feature added: You can now define loan period in hours for reference material. Also, you can collect over dues on hourly basis - Good news for libraries that manage Book banks. You can now set last day of the semester/academic year as a due date - Holidays can be included/excluded while determining due date and calculating over due Utilities for academic libraries - Academic libraries deactivate student memberships at the end of the semester/year and reactivate them at the beginning of the successive semester/year. NewGenLib now provides tools to activate/deactivate user memberships in a batch - Secondly, students are usually identified by their Id, Name, Department and Course. Course when defined with precision like (Bachelor in Engineering 2nd Year), is tend to change every year. NewGenLib now provides tools to promote students from one course to their successive course in a batch Quick information utilityTwo utility information windows have been provided in Circulation. One is Item information and other is User information. These information windows provide complete and detailed information of the item and user respectively.Circulation - Batch import items that must be processed for weeding out is now available. You can also add reason for weeding out in a batch - You can undo the process of weeding out of an item. And also bring weeded out material back to racks - You can undo the process loss of item - For rapid Check outs, Check ins and Renewals, dialog popups for displaying "Task successful" and form letters have been removed. You can now rapidly check out, check in and renew items with very few clicks Web OPAC - In the search results page, you can now click on a record and see it details as a pop-up. This avoids the necessity to navigate to a new page to view details - Display of "Other books in the rack" is available - In the "Search results page", availability details of the books are summarized and shown - Issues related to "Other books in the rack" are resolved - Accessing URLS of bibliographic does not need authentication - Call numbers are displayed in the Search results page - Now you can set a default language for OPAC by setting up DEFAULT_OPAC_LANGUAGE parameter in ENV_VAR.txt (in C:/NewGenLibFiles/SystemFiles), For example: If you set DEFAULT_OPAC_LANGUAGE=el_GR then OPAC will open in Greek language Technical processingQuick add fields are no more hard coded, they are retrieved according the definitions in C:/NewGenLibFiles/MarcDictionary/QuickAdd.properties . This will help you define local fields and use them easily.AcquisitionsIn Dupe check functionality you now see accession numbers for the titles that are part of your catalog. Just double click on the title to see the accession numbers.Changes in technologyNewGenLib can now be configured to use Proxy server to - Fetch book covers - Send SMSs(To the SMS gateway portals) - Fetch Top stories (from RSS feeds) Instant email dispatch functionality has been extended to all functionalities in Circulation.Functional modules presentTechnical Processing(Cataloging), Circulation, Acquisitions, Serials Management, Web OPAC, Reports and Administration. For any queries please do send us an email toinfo@verussolutions.biz -- Sincerely K. N Shivakumaraswamy, MLISc,. MPhil., (PhD) Librarian & Head B G S Institute of Technology B G Nagara Contact Number- 9482114199 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.