Information and Library Network Centre An IUC of University Grants Commission Ahmedabad – 380 009 Announcement Date: July 12, 2006 Sub: Required “SOUL Coordinator” for different regions of the Country Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) is an Autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants Commission (UGC) located at Gujarat University Campus, Ahmedabad. It is directed towards modernization of libraries and information centers for information transfer and access, to support scholarship, learning and academic pursuits by establishing a national network of libraries and information centers in universities, institutions of higher learning and R&D institutions in Indian. It is basically a co-operative endeavor in resource development, sharing and its utilisation at national level. Over the years INFLIBNET Centre has developed library management software, which is called SOUL (Software for University Libraries). To facilitate automation functions of the participating libraries, SOUL software has been developed. This software works in Client/ Server mode in Windows environment using MS-SQL server as back end tool. SOUL is attracting many libraries and till date 1062 installations have been done and more than 100 installations are in pipeline. This software is capable of handling in house operations of any type of libraries. INFLIBNET Centre is looking for “SOUL Coordinators” Incumbent person should be retired librarian of university or from academic sector to take up the challenge for activities of Library Science and automation through our SOUL software. He will be responsible for promotions of SOUL software and providing after sales support to the college/institute/university under his jurisdiction of states. INFLIBNET Centre is looking for four (5) SOUL Coordinators for the following regions: 1. North Eastern Region 2. West Bengal and Orissa 3. Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal 4. Bihar, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh 5. Gujarat and Rajasthan Terms and Condition of the appointment: 1. Educational Qualification: Incumbent should have minimum Masters Degree in Library and Information Science (MLISc) with IT exposure and literacy in Computer is must. 2. Experience: Retired librarian of University/College with sound experience in Library Automation 3. Age: Incumbent should be below 65 years. 4. Period of Contract: One year from the date of appointment as a SOUL Coordinator 5. Remuneration: Rs.3000/- per month as honorarium and Rs.1000/- per month towards the incidental expenses to the SOUL Coordinator. 6. Other terms and Conditions: A) The Coordinator will be authorized to appoint two qualified graduates each from Library Science and Computer Science on consolidated salary of Rs.5000/- per month respectively as Technical Assistants for period of 1 year. B) Travel expenses towards the promoting, installation, training and maintenance of SOUL in their assigned geographical area will be borne by INFLIBNET Centre, maximum limit will be Rs.25000/- per annum for self and for two technical assistants on production of travelling vouchers for each journey. For travelling purpose the TA/DA rules will be applicable as per INFLIBNET Centre’s rules. C) SOUL Coordinator as well his two technical assistants will be given orientation and hands on training free of cost by INFLIBNET Centre. 7. Targets for the SOUL Coordinator The Coordinator will be responsible for minimum 50 installations in one year in their assigned geographical area. 8. How to Apply Applicants should send the typed application in the below mentioned format to The Director, INFLIBNET Centre, PB No.4116, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380009. The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed by “Application For the post of ___________________________”. A) Name, Father's name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Nationality, Marital Status, Category. B) Address: Permanent & Present. C) Educational Qualification-Exam. Uni./Board, Main Subjects, Year of Passing, Marks Obtained, Class/Div. D) Professional Training: Organisation, Period, Details of Training E) Experience: Name & Address of Employer, Date of Joining/Leaving, Designation, Nature of Job, Salary, F) Any other information. Further information can be had from the Director, INFLIBNET Centre, P.B. No. 4116, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380 009 (GUJARAT) for necessary clarification. Note : The INFLIBNET Centre reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all posts advertised. (Manoj Kumar K) Acting Director, INFLIBNET Centre Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 9 Phone: 91-079-2630 5971/2630 4695 Fax: 91-079-2630 0990/ 2630 7816 Email: director@inflibnet.ac.in URL: http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/