Dear Professional Colleagues: Proposal for Bharat Gyan Ganga We have three major categories of stakeholders: Librarians (belonging all types--academic, special, public, corporate, etc.) LIS teachers LIS students Library Suppliers (booksellers, publishers, equipment manufacturers, etc.) User Community We need to develop a SINGLE WINDOW interface where all these stakeholders can communicate, meet and share their information/concerns/issues. Even the proposed ASK YOUR LIBRARIAN (may be named as GyanGuru) could be an integral part of this. To avoid the problems of misuse and spams, all querries/postings would be placed on this site and the stakeholders would access by visiting the site instead of emails failling into their email boxes. The replies would also be placed at this site. If somebody wants information, he has to visit this site. Benefits: The user would be communicating to all Indian Librarians through a single email. The query (relating a book/journal/article, etc. or something pertaining to community information such as education, health, employment, etc.) could be answered by the library which has the information. Encourages resource sharing and knowledge sharing. User gets diverse replies and he can choose the best from the available alternatives. The complete knowledge base of the Indian librarians could be productively used thereby enhancing the quality of Indian reference services at one stroke. If the librarian does not have the information, he can forward it to a specialist he knows thereby expanding the knowledge base still further. Provides real life laboratory for LIS schools in Reference Service practicals. The students can handle "live examples" of reference querries. Facilitates library donations The donor can just a send a list of books available for donation to Gyan Ganga. The interested librarians can communicate their willingness. Then, the donor can decide to which library or libraries to donate the books.The right book reaches the right library where it is likely to be used. Establishes contact with library suppliers The librarians would just post their requirements of books/journals/equipment, etc. at this central site. The suppliers would would then along with terms and conditions. The libraries would be able to clinch best prices and best deals. Offers equitable opportunities to all the suppliers. The one who provides the best service would receive the order. We have a vast resource base of various types of libraries. Let's persuade the librarians of all categories (e.g., university, public, special, state central libraries, district central libraries, etc.) to join the proposed group. Enlisting the participation of public librarians is also important. So far, we have marginalised this important group (public libraries) which has valuable resources which even research scholars working in universities would find highly useful for their research. To put it in simple terms, a single querry from any user would be tapping the major LI resource base of India. The only thing we have to ensure participation by all Indian librarians. We can execute this project very easily. The only things that are necessary are: professionalism of the highest order, dedication, selfless service and objectivity. I am ready to take care of enlisting participation of all librarians, LIS teachers, LIS students, based in Andhra Pradesh by collecting their contact details, data, etc. Let's break institutional barriers in the free flow of information! Essentially, all institution-based LI service are public-funded. Why should we deprive the general public, that is, the common man of India, the benefit of information services. Let's use Internet to bridge the digital divide in urban and rural library service in India. Our goal: To answer any reference query within 24 hours wherever the information/document is available in India. The reactions of Prof Shalini Urs, Dr Vyasamoorthy andDr Sukhdeve Singh are encouraging. Let's celebrate library service and regain the joy of providing the same. As always, reactions are most welcome. Thank you Sincerely T.V. Prafulla Chandra --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NISC Export Services Pvt. Ltd. (an affiliate of NISC International, Inc. USA) S-1 Ballad Estates, St.Ann's School Road, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500 017 Andhra Pradesh, India - Tel:+91 40 27001517 Tel/Fax:+91 40 27002538 WWW.NISC.COM A company in service to NISC worldwide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------