Dear All,
I would like to cordially invite you to the public defence of
my Ph.D. thesis, entitled ‘An evaluative study of Library and Information
Centres in the field of Allopathic Medicine in Kerala’.
The defence is scheduled to be conducted on Tuesday, the 24th
March 2015, at 11 am, in the Lecture Hall, Department of Library and
Information Science, University of Kerala.
It will be a pleasure to share with you the research outcome.
With my best regards.
Saji S. Nair
Library & Information Services Division
Regional Cancer Centre
Medical College Campus
Trivandrum - 695011
Kerala, INDIA
91 471 2522225 (O)
91 471 2394252 (R)
09446014130 (Mob)
Email: sajisnair@rcctvm.gov.in