Do you think this may come true? Shoud not Library Associations follow it up with Lalu? ====================================================================================== http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/783491.cms Lalu urged to launch library in trains P K SURENDRAN TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ MONDAY, JULY 19, 2004 05:59:04 PM ] THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Do trains encourage reading habit which is sliding worldwide? Yes, says a highcourt lawyer who has approached Railway Minister to introduce lending library in long-distance trains. Johnson Manayani has, in his letter to Lalu Prasad Yadav, urged him to set a portion of a coach in long journey trains to help passengers pass their time profitably by reading novels or journals of their choice. "This not only encourages reading habits but earn the railway additional revenue". The library can take a deposit for the book and charge a reading fee. Deposit could be given back when a book is returned at the end of the journey or later. The Railway cannot lose. It could gain. ========= A Question unrelated: The URL given above, if clicked from the message window leads to an error page. However the same URL if cut & Pasted into URL window afresh into the browser, gets loaded properly. WHY? sent in by: Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA Email: vyasamoorthy@icicikp.com Phone - Office: +91(40)23480053 Fax: +91(40)23480007 Phone Residence: +91(40)27846631