Seminar-cum-Workshop on Media and Information Literacy 12-13 February, 2013 Organized by Department of Library and Information Science Punjabi University, Patiala Objectives of the seminar-cum-workshop (a) To understand the concept of media and information literacy and lifelong learning; (b) To apply media and information literacy concepts and skills across frontiers (c) To develop media and information literacy modules for L professionals (d) To formulate a National Media and Information Literacy Agenda (e) To create a ripple effect by training librarians and faculty in MIL Theme of the Seminar: Media and Information Literacy Sub-themes: (suggested topics but not limited to the following) • Media and information literacy (MIL) as a composite concept • Information literacy and lifelong learning • Information literacy methods and techniques and best practices • Information literacy policies and policy development: Initiatives in India • Information literacy and libraries • Information literacy and LIS education • Information literacy across disciplines • Planning strategies for information literacy training (promotion and marketing, training the trainers, partnership, collaboration across professions, teacher education, integrating into curricula) • Information literacy instruction (teaching techniques and methods, instructional design, curriculum development, measurement and evaluation, Web-based training, e-learning) • Information literacy and ethical and social issues • Information literacy and citizenship • Information literacy and digital divide • Role of Media and Information in Democracy • Representation in Media and Information; • Languages in Media and Information; • Citizenship, Freedom of Expression and Information, Access to Information, Democratic Discourse and Life-long Learning • Understanding Media and Information Ethics Note: These sub-themes are not exhaustive, rather indicative only. Call for papers: Full articles and research papers (with abstracts) are invited on the above mentioned theme and sub-themes of the seminar. Papers should reach the Head, Department of Library & Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala – 147002 (Punjab) as an email attachment (as a doc file) latest by 08 February 2013 to milpatiala@gmail.com with a copy to Jagtar Singh jagtardeep@gmail.com The paper should include Title, Name and Address of author(s), Abstract and Keywords. References at the end of the paper and their in-text citing should be according to APA Style manual. Keynote speaker: Dr. Albert K. Boekhorst, Visiting Professor, University of Pretoria, South Africa would be delivering the keynote address and would conduct a workshop on the second day. Participation and Registration: Participation to the workshop is limited for 25-30 participants and would be provided on first-come-first-served basis. Registration Fees: Rs. 750.00 for the seminar-cum-workshop. Registration fee payable by cash/DD. DD payable at Patiala to be drawn in favour of Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala. Climate: Climate in Patiala is generally very cold during mid-February. Outstation participants should bring heavy woolens to avoid inconvenience. How to Reach Patiala: Patiala is easily approachable by train/bus. Nearest airport is Chandigarh (60 km away). Patiala also has a railway station and Ambala Cantt. (50 km) and Rajpura (20 km) are major and nearest stations on Delhi – Amritsar main rail line. Frequent bus service is available from Chandigarh, Ambala Cantt. and Rajpura. Direct buses are available from other major cities in North India. Punjabi University is situated 6 km before the city on Rajpura-Patiala highway and buses make a stop there at the request of passengers. Accommodation: Accommodation in Punjabi University guest house is very limited and would be arranged by the Organizers ONLY on first-come-first served basis for those participants who send prior information for it in the registration form. Charges for accommodation are to be borne by the participants as per actuals. Registration Form Seminar-cum-Workshop on Media and Information Literacy 12-13 February 2013 Department of Library & Information Science Punjabi University, Patiala Name: (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms):………………………………………………………….. Name of accompanying person/s (if any):………………………………………………. Designation: …………………………………………... Institution: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Mailing Address: ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….. E-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Phone: (O) …………………………….., (M) …………………………. Payment Details: Bank: ……………………………. Draft No. …………………………… Dated: ………................................ Amount: ……………………………… Whether accommodation is required: Yes / No. If Yes, number of persons and their names:……………………………………….. Arrival and Departure Details (Train / Flight No., Date, Time): ……………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature The filled-in registration form along with registration fee is to be sent to the Head, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002 (Punjab) Ph.-0175-3046179, 3046180. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.