NATIONAL CONFERENCE on Reaching Out to Users through Technology (ROUTE - 2013) Enhancing Innovative Library Services in Open Environment Date: 13 - 15 MARCH 2013 Organized by CSIR – Structural Engineering Research Centre Chennai – 600 113 CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR-SERC), Chennai is one of the premier national laboratories under the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), India. CSIR-SERC is a leading research institution in the field of structural engineering at the national and international levels. CSIR-SERC has excellent facilities and expertise for the analysis, design and testing of structures and structural components. CSIR-SERC’s services are being extensively used by the Central/State Governments and public/private sector undertakings. CSIR-SERC has been certified as ISO 9001:2008 quality institution. Knowledge Resource Division, CSIR-SERC Nestled amidst the greenery in the campus, is the Knowledge Resource Division (KRD) set up on modern lines. Providing invaluable support to researchers, its collection has grown to cover all aspects of structural engineering and its related sciences. KRD, CSIR-SERC is fully automated using modern technologies such as barcode, RFID, and provides several web-based services such as OPAC, auto alert, content alert, institutional repository etc. KRD, CSIR-SERC has recently upgraded its storage and security capacities by installing storage mobile compactors and surveillance system. About the Conference Reaching Out to Users through Technology (ROUTE-2013) - Enhancing Innovative Library Services in Open Environment aims to promote the understanding and use of information and communication technologies in libraries and institutions promoting library services to ensure equitable access to information and learning opportunities to every citizen. Digital libraries and deep web offer a vast spectrum of information. Large scale and access-free digital libraries, as well as social networks and tools constitute challenges in terms of accessibility, trust, privacy, and user satisfaction. The current questions concern the trade-off, where our actions must focus, and how to increase the accessibility. ROUTE-2013 looks to the future as our presenters embrace technological change in their workplaces and institutions, seeking ways to mobilize service delivery and granting service providers the skills and power to stay ahead of a connected and socialized client base. ROUTE-2013 aims to provide a mix of sessions highlighting technologies affecting user interaction and creation of new and better ways to manage library resources. At ROUTE-2013, information professionals have the valuable opportunity to share insights that address global technological challenges affecting our local communities. Anyone interested in emerging technologies that affect libraries and its services should plan to attend. Objectives The conference is intended to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on the theme and various sub-themes. The main objectives of the conference are to: - Discuss strategies to manage libraries in the future and to reach the users through technology. - Enhancing access to libraries through new media for next generation users. - Identify and disseminate experiences of library professionals while using current technologies. - Identify and share best practices developed or adopted. Call for Papers Papers are invited on the various sub themes of the conference: - Cloud computing for library services: Software - openURL resolver, stats manager, research guides, online reference; Platforms - integrated library system, ILL, copyright compliance systems; Infrastructure - discovery, digital repository, archives management, website, digital storage, institutional repository. - Innovative Library Services: Using social networks such as facebook, twitter, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, linkedIn etc for library services; Publishing, editing and modifying content using content management systems such as wordpress, joomla etc.; Using open source e-learning applications such as moodle. - Mobile Technologies for Library Services: Mobile technologies / devices for libraries, library mobile applications, creating mobile websites / m-opac, SMS alerts. - Resource sharing and e-resource management: Open access initiatives, OA repositories & institutional repositories, open journal systems, consortium etc. CONFERENCE THEMES - Cloud computing for library services: Software - openURL resolver, stats manager, research guides, online reference. Platforms - integrated library system, ILL, copyright compliance systems. Infrastructure - discovery, digital repository, archives management, website, digital storage, institutional repository. -Innovative Library Services: Using social networks such as facebook, twitter, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, linkedIn etc for library services. Publishing, editing and modifying content using content management systems such as wordpress, joomla etc. Using open source e-learning applications such as moodle. - Mobile Technologies for Library Services: Mobile technologies / devices for libraries, library mobile applications, creating mobile websites / m-opac, SMS alerts. - Resource sharing & e-resource management Open access initiatives, OA repositories & institutional repositories, open journal systems, consortium etc. Papers on the themes listed above are invited from library and information professionals, IT professionals, academicians, research scholars, consultants, government and non-government organizations based on their research work / case studies. Abstracts of papers not exceeding 500 words may be sent by email or post to the organizing secretary. The abstracts will be reviewed by the technical committee, and the authors will be intimated of the acceptance along with the guidelines for preparation of the full-text. Guidelines are also available in the conference web page. Conference Fee & Pre-conference Tutorial Fee - Delegates - 3000/- per person - Students - 1000/- per person - Pre-conference Tutorial Fee - 1000/- per person For delegates with accompanying person, please add Rs.1500 to the conference fee. Registration fee includes conference kit, a digital copy of the proceedings, lunch and tea during the tutorial and conference. Registration fee may be paid through Demand Draft in favour of “IRF Structural Engineering Research Centre” payable at Chennai. Online payment option is also available. For details please refer the conference page in CSIR-SERC website. Pre-conference Tutorial A tutorial on E-prints and mobile libraries will be held on 13 March 2013. For more details, please visit the conference page in CSIR-SERC website. Dates to Remember Submission of Full Paper: 15th January 2012 Last Date of Registration: 15 February 2013 CONFERENCE DATES Pre-conference Tutorial: 13 March 2013 Main Conference : 14 – 15 March 2013 CONFERENCE VENUE Vigyan Auditorium CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre CSIR Campus, CSIR Road, Taramani Chennai – 600 113 Accommodation Limited accommodation is available on first come first serve basis in CSIR-SERC guest house on payment. Delegates are requested to contact the organizing secretary for guest house bookings. Large numbers of hotels are available in Chennai. Participants can opt for accommodation in the nearby areas of the centre such as Adyar, Velachery and Thiruvanmiyur. Information related to hotels in Chennai can be found in: Welcome to Chennai Chennai formerly known as Madras is the capital city of Tamil Nadu and is the fourth largest metro in India. Chennai is a journey into timeless India, a kaleidoscope of moods - rich in the treasures of history, from temples and shrines to forts and palaces, the landscape of the past lives easily with the present. Retaining much of its traditional charm, this 350 year old city is the gateway to the south, providing many a fascinating vignette of southern heritage. With its historic landmarks and buildings, long sandy beaches, cultural and art centers and parks, Chennai's tourism offers many interesting locations to visitors. One of the most important tourist attractions of Chennai is in the neighboring town of Mahabalipuram with its ancient temples and rock carvings of the 7th century Pallava kingdom. Chennai is world famous for its clothes shopping opportunities. Local markets solely dedicated to clothing stores and the choices, along with the prices, are truly amazing, making this a shopping destination in its own right.Chennai is well connected to other cities in India by rail, road and air. Dr. A. Hariharan Organizing Secretary & Head, Knowledge Resource Division CSIR-STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTRE CSIR CAMPUS, CSIR ROAD, TARAMANI CHENNAI - 600113 Tel: 044-22549131 / 22549132 / 22549133 /09841601903 Fax: 044 - 22541508 Email: route2013register@serc.res.in; route2013papers@serc.res.in www.serc.res.in -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.