from researchbuz websire ====================== Are you familiar with HubMed? ( It's an interface to the medical literature search engine PubMed that's simplified and very easy to use. Nice if you're not a professional medical researcher and find the PubMed interface overwhelming. HubMed also offers keyword-based RSS feeds for tracking additions to its database. HubMed also offers charts as well. Run a search. On the results page look to the right and you'll see a results count: "Results 1-20 of" however many results you got. Next to that will be a small chart icon. Click on that and you'll get -- hey! -- a chart. The chart will show you how many papers containing that keyword have appeared over time, starting in 1975 and moving to current day. Obesity is an interesting one to check; it starts out with a gentle curve and shoots up around 2000. For an interesting chart that meanders up and down, check out a query for hypnosis. -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631 ====================== Are you familiar with HubMed? ( ) It's an interface to the medical literature search engine PubMed that's simplified and very easy to use. Nice if you're not a professional medical researcher and find the PubMed interface overwhelming. HubMed also offers keyword-based RSS feeds for tracking additions to its database. HubMed also offers charts as well. Run a search. On the results page look to the right and you'll see a results count: "Results 1-20 of" however many results you got. Next to that will be a small chart icon. Click on that and you'll get -- hey! -- a chart. The chart will show you how many papers containing that keyword have appeared over time, starting in 1975 and moving to current day. Obesity is an interesting one to check; it starts out with a gentle curve and shoots up around 2000. For an interesting chart that meanders up and down, check out a query for hypnosis. -- Dr P Vyasamoorthy, SENIORS (Society for Enriched Information of Relevance to Seniors), 30, Gruhalakshmi Colony, Secunderabad 500018 Phone 27846631