Sharing licensed content should be dealt with care.it's not the same case when somebody emails the requested document to some person when a article/document request comes in LIS Forum/s.Sharing licensed content in an informal way will not cause much problems.But when it appears in a formal manner like that one envisioned by Dr.Badan,its a bit complicated. I think Dr.Badan Burman will soon fell into a copyright infringement case if a complaint is filed about the Lis Link DDS.I dont know whether the DDS members will also receive legal notices.Publishers argue that library exceptions for interlibrary loan and document delivery in the digital environment, particularly of individual journal articles, are justified only in very limited circumstances and with the permission of publishers.i request my colleagues to read the content of the following link and comment on this matter http://www.libraryjournal.com/lj/community/academiclibraries/891083-419/coal... Jasimudeen.s Kerala -- *Life is like a document:what matter is how good it is ,not how long it is"* * * *"Be in touch,I am just a mail away not a mile away"..* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.