Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 12:47:24 +0530
From: Jagtar Singh
Call for Papers:
Papers are invited on the theme *Emerging Challenges and Lingering Issues in
LIS Education, Research and Training *for the XXVII IATLIS National
Conference to be held at the Department of Library and Information Science,
University of Pune from 17-19 November 2010
The theme covers many lingering issues and challenges in LIS Education,
research and training (LISERT), but a few sub-themes are listed below:
- Role and status of LISERT, particularly in the less developed countries
- LIS Education =96 Holistic approach: mandate, manpower planning, level=
accreditation, technological determinism, infrastructure, internship,
faculty and students, learning resources
- Learning styles and teaching methodologies
- Open and Distance Learning
- Privatization and commercialization in LIS education
- Critical appraisal of LIS research
- Training issues and concerns for LIS
- Globalization in LISERT with special reference to developing countries
- Impact of ICTs on LISERT
- Cooperation, collaboration partnership in LISERT
Papers are invited on the theme =93*Emerging Challenges and Lingering Issues
in LIS Education, Research and Training=94 *and its sub-themes listed above,
but not limited to the above mentioned facets only. These facets are
indicative only; papers addressing any other aspect of the theme are also
welcome. The paper should not be more than three thousand words. Please send
two hard copies of your paper processed in Microsoft Word 2003 to Dr.
Trishanjit Kaur, General Secretary, IATLIS, Department of Library and
Information Science, Punjabi University, Patiala 147002 (Punjab), and also
as an email attachment to latest by 07 October 2010
along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- in favour of Indian Association of
Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) payable at
Patiala. Authors
of the papers accepted for publication will be given a copy of the
conference volume. The paper should include title, name and address of
author (s), abstract, and keywords. Use the APA Style Manual for preparing
the paper. For further information about the APA Style access the link:
*Important Dates: *
Last date for sending abstracts: 19 September 2010
Last date for sending full paper: 07 October 2010
Notification of accepted papers: 19 October 2010
We extend a very cordial invitation to all LIS teachers and librarians to
participate in XXVII IATLIS National Conference 2010.
Dr. Jagtar Singh,
President, Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science
Professor and Head,
Department of Library and Information Science,
Punjabi University, Patiala
Pin - 147 002 (India)
Tel: +91 (0)175 304 6462 & 304 6179 (Work)
+91 (0)175 228 2727 (Home)
Fax: +91 (0)175 228 3073