Dear Mr. Babu Rajendra I am among the many people who are absolutely shocked at the demise of Dr.Rajashekar. I have not had the opportunity of interacting with him as all of you in Bangalore/Mysore have had. However, being out of Karnataka, I have been lucky in meeting him and spending quite a bit of time on several occasions. Enough for me to say that he is indeed one of the rare person "par excellence" in our profession. I refer to some parts of the mail that you sent out *********************** 12. We are all going to end up as mounted photographs one day! So, what we expect others to think of us when we are gone? 14. What legacy we want to leave behind? As all of us know, he was a man of multi facets. He was our leader, mentor, guide, teacher, friend and idol who was always there with us. What he also taught us was never to loose focus, confidence and passion for the profession.
Another aspect I think we need to think about is what makes people to become leaders? How does one develop leadership qualities? How our trainees can become good information/library profession leaders?
Best wishes on your efforts
One of the messages on this forum had someone saying, that the best way we can pay tribute to Dr. Raja is by carrying out all his ideas / ideals / passion. I would like to share some of the best books that I have read - which talk about leadership (from within ourselves) and then how we take it to our profession. I would appreciate if these can be shared with people in the NCSI / Alumni, all those who worked with Dr. Raja - and of course anywhere else suitable Stephen Covey: 1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 2. Put First Things First 3. The 8th Habit The first book deals with how to work on oneself, (leadership within oneself) The second teaches the importance of prioritizing what is most important in everyone's life. It also focuses heavily on the work-life balance. The last is a complete focus on leadership. Robin Sharma 1. The Monk who sold his Ferrari 2. Leadership skills from the Monk who sold his Ferrari I have read all these (reading "The 8th Habit" now), and I feel I have gone through a tremendous learning experience. I wish to share this experience with everyone who feels deeply moved about our Great Leader - Dr. Rajashekar Regards Vasumathi Sriganesh Director, QMed A-3, Shubham Centre, Cardinal Gracious Road Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai 400099, India Ph: 91-22-28229223 Fax: 91-22-28224358 Mobile: 98211-14510 Email: vasu@qmedin.com, Web: www.qmedin.com