Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 02:06:32 -0800 (PST)
From: indra kaul
Dear Mangesh,
You have asked difference between scholarly publication, journal, and
peer review journal
Peer Review Journal The articles which have been submitted for
publication by the author are got reviewed by publisher by peers
(authorities on the subject). If the peers approve the article, it is
published in the journal. If the peer has asked for modification, these
comments are sent to the author to modify the article. The author
modifies the article and resubmits it for publication. The publisher
publishes the modified article in the journal. The journal in which all
the articles are published after getting them reviewed by the peers is
known as Peer Review Journal.
Scholarly Publications: A Guide to the Differences Between Publications
Students often ask, "How can I tell if this is a scholarly publication?"
Although publications might not meet all of the criteria in the
categories below, they essentially all fall into one of the four
following types of publications.
Scholarly Journal
News/General Interest
Popular Magazines
Sensational Publications
Has grave, serious format
Attractive in appearance
Generally slick/glossy with an attractive format
Cheap newspaper format
Graphs and charts to illustrate concepts
Photos, graphics and illustrations used to enhance articles
Photos, illustrations and drawing to enhance imageof publication
Contains melodramatic, lurid or "doctored" photos
Cited sources with footnotes and/or bibliography
Occasionally cite sources, but not as a rule
Rarely cite sources. Original sources may be obscure
Rarely cite sources of information
Authors Written by scholars or researchers in the field or
discipline Written for an educated, general audience by staff,
free-lance or scholarly writers Written by the staff or free-lance
writers for a broad audience Written by free-lance or staff writers
Language Uses terminology, jargon, and the language of the
discipline. Reader is assumed to have similar background Uses language
apprporiate for an educated readership Uses simple language for
minimal educational level. Articles are short, with little depth
Contains language that is simple, easy-to-read and understand.
Sensational style is often used
Publication Criteria Subject to "peer review". Must meet approval of
qualified scholars in the field Must meet standards of publication and
be approved by editors No specific criteria No specific criteria
Purpose To inform, report, or make original research available to
the scholarly world Provide general information to a wide, interested
audience Designed to entertain or persuade, to sell products or
services Arouse curiosity and interest by distorting the truth. Often
uses outrageous or startling headlines
Generally published by a professional organization
Published by commercial enterprises for profit
Published for profit
Published for profit
Contains selective advertising
Carries advertising
Contains extensive advertising
Contains advertising as luring and startling as the stories
Examples Annals of Microbiology, Harvard Business Review, Journal of
Physiology, Physics Letters Atlantic Monthly, Newsweek, Fortune,
Psychology Today, Scientific American Better Homes and Gardens, GQ,
Glamour, People, Sports Illustrated Globe, National Enquirer, National
Examiner, Star, Sun
Magazine or periodical: a magazine or periodical, especially one
published by a specialist or professional body for its members, containing
information and contributions relevant to their area of activity.
indra kaul
Mailing List Manager wrote:
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 04:19:15 +0000 (GMT)
From: mangesh talmale
could u please send the information regarding query:
1. what is the difference between scholarly publication journal
and peer review journal.
best regards
mangesh talmale
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