Copyright law allows users to use the copyrighted material for the private purpose (fair use policy) means personal, professional and knowledge update intention and barred from commercial gains. Library and information science professionals have to play a greater role in prevent all kinds of infringements in order to respect the original work and not hamper to its commercial value. Presently some plagiarism finding free software's available to stop lifting and illegally copying stuff to produce new. I think this is the best solution to overcome the infringement problems. Best Regards, Raghavendra R raghupawar@gmail.com From: lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in [mailto:lis-forum-bounces@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in] On Behalf Of Badan Barman Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 3:47 PM To: digilib_india@yahoogroups.com; iatlis@yahoogroups.com; nmlis@yahoogroups.com; ASDOLIS; Filipino Librarians (Members: 732); KM-Forum; Library (Members: 682); LIS Links; LIS-FORUM; LIS_Network (Members: 726); MLOSC (Members: 848) Subject: [LIS-Forum] Plagiarism and Indian LIS Professionals. Respected forum members, Many LIS professionals in India in their books, papers submitted to seminar / conference / festschrift volume as well as magazines / journals including contents posted to their blog, message posted to online groups / forum are copied from some one else and try to showcase as their own. I have a very bitter experience and I think many of you too. Such practices should be avoided but no one taking serious steps in this regard. We are living in a digital society, where forget about the journal articles, even blog post, message posted to groups / forum even personal email and chat messages are treated as copyrighted. Its time to make a voice in this regard and explore such bad practices with evidences. No doubt, in moving to the same we will faced a lot of personal attack but we should be able to bear all of them to build a new practice of a culture society in LIS in India. So, in eliminating the garbage from the world of information explosion, I just want some cooperation form the Indian LIS Professionals, and I hope you will. Your comments are welcome over: http://lislinks.ning.com/forum/topics/plagiarism-and-indian-lis LIS Links: Connecting LIS Professional in India: http://lislinks.ning.com/ Thanking you Yours faithfully (Sri Badan Barman) Academic Consultant, School of Library & Information Science, Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University, Housefed Complex, Last Gate, Dispur, Guwahati-781006, Assam Phone: 0361-2234964 / 2235971, Fax: 0361- 2235398. Mobile: +9198642-05166 Website: www.kkhsou.org -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.