Report of Informatics Endowment Lecture Series - 7
Organizing the 7th Informatics Endowment Lecture Series on the 10th of February was a pleasant coincident with Informatics itself completing 30 years of its existence in the information business. The alma mater of N V Satyanarayana was very proud to hold this lecture series by Prof. Ramani who was at the University of Mysore, to deliver INFORMATICS ENDOWMENT LECTURE SERIES ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES – 7 on Structured Information and Information Technology. He started his lecture with a quote;
“Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing! Jimmy Wales”.
He started his lecture with a remark about the volume of information that is being produced and the developments that are taken place in IT- Hardware, Software and Information Content. He dealt with several aspects relating to available web content forms and its economics. He gave a live demonstration of the results of a search that can be carried out on Google taking simple examples from E- Commerce and created curiosity among the audience regarding the accuracy of the information search and retrieval over the Web. He also touched on Web 2.0 movement and structured information and its potentialities and usability. He emphasized that there is ample scope for LIS professionals in facilitating information search and creating value added content and services. He was relating the present day Web Browsing to Browsing of books in a library. He was of the opinion that the structured data, tables, schemas help in collating information which is scattered over the Web. He was also of the view that the Semantic Web has not provided possible solution for the problem of accessing web content.
The lecture was well attended by professionals from Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore and the current batch of students and research scholars of the Department. A special thanks to Dr. K N Prasad, Executive Director, Dr. I R N Gouder, and Sri. V. L. Kalyan.
Prof. Khaiser Nikam welcomed the gathering and introduced the speaker, Dr. N. S. Harinarayana spoke about INFORMATICS and the ENDOWMENT LECTURE SERIES. Dr. K N Prasad was invited to present the engraved Silver Plaque to Prof. Ramani. And Dr. M. Chandrashekhara proposed vote of thanks. Dr. Adithya Kumari was the MC.
Amrutraj Benahal
Project Fellow, UGC MRP
University of Mysore,