Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 19:03:13 +0530 (IST)
From: Dr. Nabi Hasan
Dear Professional
I am submitting few points before you and will request the Senior persons
to take up the matter on association level with the MHRD and UGC before it
is too late as the MHRD has deviated even from the original Chadda
Committee UGC Report. It need to be tajken up urgently before the UGC
notifies the same for implementation. �
(1)In the initial document submitted by Prof. Chadha Committee under
5.15.2, there was an option for "Deputy Librarians and Deputy Directors of
Physical Education may be considered for promotion to Librarian and
Director of Physical Education respectively under CAS on lines similar to
and under conditions of eligibility similar to those of Readers seeking
promotion to the post of Professor. Senior most Librarian and senior most
Director of Physical Education may be re-designated as Chief Librarian and
Chief Director of Physical Education respectively. The MHRD document
is silent on this and only states under Sl. No. 5 (d) (iii) that Deputy
Librarians after three years in AGP of Rs. 9000 shall be eligible for
appointment to the post of Librarian through open recruitment. University
assistant librarian/college librarian(selection grade)/university Deputy
librarian can move to associate professors scale after 3 years
but he/she canot moves to professors scale after 3 years even if he
fulfills the conditions for such type of scales what associate
professors have for such type of upward movement in universities &
colleges,. Then where's the parity remains. (2)On page 2 under Sl. No. 2
(a) (vii) Post of Associate Professor shall be in the Pay Band of Rs.
37400-67000, with AGP of Rs. 9000. Directly recruited Associate Professors
shall be placed in the Pay Band of Rs. 37400-67000, with AGP of Rs. 9000,
at the appropriate stage in the Pay Band in terms of the conditions of
Compare this for teachers with Sl. No. 5 (c) (i) to (viii) for Deputy
Librarians wherein unequivocal terms the document prescribes the Pay Band
of Rs.15600-39100 with AGP of Rs. 8000 initially for direct recruited
Deputy Librarians and they will move to the Pay Band of Associate
Professors only after putting in three years in the AGP of Rs. 8000.If
this is not a violation of parity with teachers, then what is this? (3)�
If a teacher completed Ph.D. within 9 years, he is given the scale of
12000-18300 after 9 years but not a Librarian who gets the same after 11
years even having completed the Ph.D. within 9 years. (4)� In State
Agricultural universities, Librarians are declared teachers and they are
eligible for Study Leave, etc. but this Notification will deprive them of
their present facilities.
Best regards,
Nabi Hasan, Ph.D., CICTAL, Borlaug Fellow
University Library
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