Dear Professionals, I am Mr. Shiva Kumara S U, Research Scholar in the Department of Studies and Research in Library and Information Science, Tumkur University, Tumakuru, Karnataka, India. I have undertaken research work on the topic entitled “Scholarly Productivity and Publishing Practices of Indian Library and Information Science Professionals: An Exploratory Study” under the guidance of Prof. B.T. Sampath Kumar, Professor and Chairman, Department of Studies and Research in Library and Information Science, Tumkur University. In support of my research work, I am herewith sharing a questionnaire which aimed to know the publishing practices of LIS professionals. I shall be grateful to you if you could answer the questions and express your views as accurately as possible. The information collected from you will be kept confidential and used only for research purpose. Click here to respond to the Survey. https://forms.gle/vLu2pMA7qeGHJwLj7 *or * Google form Link: https://forms.gle/vLu2pMA7qeGHJwLj7 Thanking you Shiva Kumara S U *Research Scholar*