Dear All,
Really it was so sad to see all reports on media.
I am providing you few links related to Tsunami.
For us in India, it may be new, but there are
lots of research goining on to establish a
warning/detecting system of Tsunami. I came to
know that Japan already having the technology.
JK Vijayakumar, INFLIBNET-UGC, India
International Tsunami Information Center was
established in 1965 by the IOC (Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission) of UNESCO (United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
http://www.prh.noaa.gov/itic/. It also maintains
an online library at
Few Univs or Orgs undertaking research Tsunami is
USGS Research on Tsunami:
Tsunami Links:
--- Subbiah Arunachalam
Dear Friends:
Christmas and the New Year are occasions for joy and happiness. But unfortunately the earthquake (which did not cause much damage in my city) and the tsunami that followed it, which had devastated the lives of tens of thousands of people in my home state and neighbouring states in India as well as millions in South and South East Asia have rudely interrupted the season of joy and merriment. 14,000 people have lost their lives according to BBC. The figure may go up. Millions have lost their homes and possessions.
Chennai is coming back to normal. The government has started to deal with the situation with some seriousness. But the Met office has issued a warning that there may be another tsunami attack any time. What have we done to deserve Nature's fury of such intensity, I wonder.
Dear David and friends at First Voice International:
We appreciate your concern. The earthquake at 0640 yesterday and the tsunami that followed after a couple of hours have devastaed the state of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. There has been heavy loss of property and possessions in many coastal villages (including Veerampattinam and Nallavadu). One of our villages, Moorthikuppam, is completly inundated and there could be a few deaths. Many fishermen who went into the sea at Veerampattinam, Nallavadu, Thankatchimadam, etc. are yet to return. We are constantly monitoring the situation through all communication channels. Fortunately, all our knowledge centres are safe although some of them are surrounded by water. Our staff and volunteers in the field stations are also safe.
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