Dear Friends Within two days of sending my message on the above topic there have been 25+ responses -- some directly and privately sent to me. That shows the great concern all of us have for this topic. I shall try to summarize the opinions after giving some more time. Meanwhile, I feel that the discussions would become meaningful if persons from all affected sections take part. LIS teachers have been silent. Can they react? Is it their responsibility to improve the language skills of their products? Are they equipped? Should they take this responsibility? Are they satisfied/happy with the obtaining situation? Are there alternate ways of achieving same results? Who will bell the cat? Who will foot the bill - extra cost of teaching English? Some forty years ago when I did my graduation, many students faced the familiar problem: migrating from vernacular medium to English Medium. Suddenly there is a vacuum, bewilderment and difficulty in adjusting. But the College authorities very thoughtfully provided 'bridge' courses of 2-3 months duration, after college hours, at no extra cost to those who wanted to learn English. Very many students benefited. Again, there is no representation from our customers, readers, users, patrons, clients whatever you call them. Can some of you informally raise this issue with your customers and obtain their viewpoints and disseminate it here? Dispassionate discussions would lead to fruitful pointers for further action. Dr.P.Vyasamoorthy, Advisor, Virtual Information Centre, ICICI Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Turkapally, Shameerpet Mandal, RR District, Hyderabad 500078 INDIA Email: vyasamoorthy@icicikp.com Phone - Office: +91(40)23480053 Fax: +91(40)23480007 Phone Residence: +91(40)27846631