Sixth International Conference of Asian Special Libraries *(ICoASL 2019) * *On* *Libraries and Librarianship in Digital Plus Era* 14-16 February 2019 New Delhi, India *Organizing by* *Special Libraries Association Asian Chapter* *in Collaboration with* *Institute of Economic Growth* *Ambedkar University Delhi* *Society for Library Professionals* *Associate Partners* Korea Special Libraries Association APPTIS (Asosiasi Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Islam, Indonesia) *Venue:* *14th February 2019: Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi- 110007* *15th February 2019: Ambedkar University Delhi, Kashmere Gate, Delhi- 110006* *16th February 2019: Social and Library Tour* *ICoASL History:* First ICoASL 2008 : *New Delhi, India*, 26-28 November 2008 Second ICoASL 2011 : *Tokyo, Japan*, 10-12 February 2011 Third ICoASL 2013 : *Manila, Philippines*, 10-12 April 2013 Fourth ICoASL 2015 : *Seoul, South Korea*, 22-24 April 2015 Fifth ICoASL 2017 : *Yogyakarta, Indonesia*, 10-12 May 2017 Seventh ICoASL 2021 is proposed to be held in *Hong Kong* during March 2021. *Program Structure* The conference program will include plenary sessions, invited and contributed papers, poster sessions, product presentations, panel discussions and an exhibition. A series of parallel sessions will be held offering delegates a wide range of in depth presentations by leading national and international experts at: *14th February 2019:* Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi- 110007 *15th February 2019: *Ambedkar University Delhi, Kasmere Gate, Delhi- 110006 *16th February 2019:* Social and Library Tour *Thematic areas * The conference will discuss all aspects of special libraries. Each theme will be divided into several sub-themes as detailed below, but not necessarily limited to: *Libraries of Digital Plus Era* Ø Libraries of Present and future Ø Future Digital Libraries Ø Sustainable Information Resources Ø E-Referencing and New Referencing Techniques. Ø Delivery Methods and Mechanisms Ø Measuring Service Quality Ø Offshoring and Outsourcing Ø Content Creation and Management Ø User Satisfaction *Inclusive Library in Digital plus Era* Ø Open source software for people with disabilities Ø Assistive Technologies for disabled people Ø Library Services to disabled users in digital era Ø The disability divide in access of online resources *Information Technologies * Ø Information Generation and Cultivation Ø Information Warehousing and Storage Ø Retrieval and Access Mechanisms Ø Information Tools/Technology: State of the Art Ø Development of Information Portals and Information Gateways Ø Applications of Web 2.0 *Information Objects and Products* Ø Digital Libraries Institutional Repositories Ø E-journals Management Ø Information Sharing Models/Consortia Ø Information Networks and Protocols Ø Standards, Copyright, licensing and IPR Issues Ø Repositories *Information and Business * Ø Information Entrepreneurship : Scope and Prospects Ø Information Marketing Ø Customizing Info Service Ø Skills and Competency Development Ø Employment opportunities Ø Skill Upgradation and Career Advancement Ø Recruitment and Hiring Techniques Ø Role of library Associations Ø Special libraries after 20 years *Big Data* Ø Impact of Big Data on Library Management Ø Libraries' Role in Curating and Exposing Big Data Ø Strategies and Challenges in Archiving and Sharing Research Data Ø Big Data Collection and Storage Ø Big Data Mining Ø Role of Libraries in data Management and Analysis *Rethinking roles and skills of Librarians* Skills in data mining Ø Skills in Web development Ø Building capacity measures Ø Online learning Ø Information visualization Ø Semantic searching Ø Location intelligence Ø Effective time management Ø Research Data Management Ø Improving Digital literacy *Information Society: Emerging Paradigm * Ø Information Society: Best Practices in Special Libraries -Asian Perspective Ø Information Society: Sustainable Models Ø Community Based Information Systems Ø The Design and Role of Information Centres Ø Information Systems: Case Studies Ø E-Governance and Public Information Ø Information Literacy and Competency: Capacity Building Ø Mapping Community Participation Patterns Ø Information Divide and Deprivation Ø Private and Public Partnership in Information Development Ø Funding Opportunities *LIS Education, Training & Research * Ø Continuing and Life Long Learning and role of SLA Ø E-learning Modules Ø Incubation and Training Centres Ø LIS Education, Research and LIS School *Other Contemporary issues* Ø New Functions of the Libraries Ø New roles of the Libraries and Librarians Ø Subject Specialist Ø Information Literacy Ø Impact of Social Media Ø Future of the Profession Ø Organization of Information Ø Open Access Ø Disclosure of Information Ø Intellectual Property Ø Smart Libraries for future Ø Mobile Libraries Ø Open Access and Open Education Ø Library Spaces Ø Social Media in Libraries *Paper Submission Guidelines:* Participants are invited to contribute papers for presentation on the above themes and other related aspects. The papers should be based on research surveys; case studies or action plans rather than theoretical explanations. Papers should be sent to icoasl2019@gmail.com or asianchapter@gmail.com Extended abstract containing gist of the paper enumerating the objective, methodology etc. in about 500 words is to be sent within the stipulated date. Submission of full papers with an abstract in approximately 200 words, keywords and references on A4 size paper with margin 1.5 cm on all side in MS Word format in 10 points New Times Roman type single line spacing. Length of the paper should not exceed 4000 words. Details such as name of the author, designation, title of the article, abstract, name of the affiliating institution, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address are to be included. The contributors will get intimation regarding the acceptance of the paper by the Program Committee. The paper submitted for presentation should not have already been published/presented elsewhere. The Programme Committee will have the right to edit the papers. Selected papers will be published in the proceedings. Registration Fee: *Delegates* *Registration fee* Indian Delegates ₹ 3000/- Foreign Delegates US$ 120 or equal amount in INR ***SLA members, members of the Associated Organizations/ Associations, accompanied persons, students, retired professionals and additional participants from the same organization can avail 15% discount. Registration fee is non-refundable. Registration fee does not include accommodation. Registration will be confirmed only if the form is duly completed and payment received in full. *Payment Details:* The payment should be sent through local cheque/ demand draft to be made in favour of “Society for Library Professionals” and payable in New Delhi. The filled-in registration forms and the payment should be sent to the Conference Secretariat or submit online in the following Bank Account: *Bank Account Name*: Society for Library Professionals *Bank Name*: Canara Bank *Account No*: 8461101002017 *Address*: Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi - 110007, India *IFSC Code*: CNRB 0008461 *MICR*: 110015039 *SWIFT Code*: CNRBINBBDFM *PAN SLP*: AAHAS1063P *Dates to Remember * *Last Date for Submission of Abstract/ Proposal* *September 15, 2018* *Last Date for Submission of final and full version of the paper* *November 01, 2018* *Last Date for Registration * *February 11, 2019* Conference Secretariat *ICoASL 2019* *Dr P K Jain* *Organising Secretary* Librarian, Institute of Economic Growth University of Delhi Enclave North Campus, Delhi - 110007. India Ph. 91-11-27667463; 27666364 Fax: 91-11-27667410, Cell: 09899110787 Email: icoasl2019@gmail.com *and* *Dr Debal C Kar* *Organising Secretary, ICoASL 2019* Librarian, Ambedkar University Delhi, Kashmere Gate Delhi- 110006, India. Ph. 91-11- 23865084, Mobile: +91 9811392242 Email: debal.kar@gmail.com http://asia.sla.org/icoasl2019 http://www.slp.org.in/icoasl2019