Hello Collegues, As some of us remember, Dr S.R.Rnaganathan, the greatest library leader in India, passed away on this day, September 27, 1972 at Bangalore. To pay my homage and respects to this great teacher of our times, I mention an event that took place in 1999 on the eve of New Millennium. The editorial board of ALA(American Library Association) publication "American Libraries" decided to bring out a special issue of 100 of the most important Library LEADERS we had in the 20th Century, all Americans. However, the Board could not ignore S.R.Ranganthan and placed him as the 101 under the caption " Ranganthan makes 101".This was an unique honor to the Father of Library Science in India. No other foreign librarian found a place there. 'American Libraries' December 1999 issue contains short biographies of all these 101 Library Leaders along with selected pictures, Melvil Dewey's image on the cover page. If you have access to online databases, you may search via LISA or Library Literature. If not, feel free to ask me for a scanned copy of the coverage. Let us again pay our homage to Ranganthan and rededicate ourselves to LIS. Best regards, Deva B.Eswara Reddy Chair,IFLA Science and Technolgy Libraries -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.