Dear Sirs, Can anyone help me in getting the following books from whom we can get immediately which we browsed on internet. 1. Transformer Maintenance Guide 2004/ Myers, S.D 2. Dranetz-BMI Field handbook for Power Quality Analysis by Bruce Lonie and Tom Shaughnessy of POWERCET 3. Conference proceedings distributech in CD-ROM by Utility Automation (Publisher; pennwell) 4. etz-Report 32: Open communication platform for telecontrol applications: benefits from the new standard IEC:60870-6 TASE:2 (ICCP) VDE ENGLISH VERSION 5. Guide to the project management body of Knowledge (A(PMBOK(R) GUIDE) BY Project Management Institute 6. Managing a small HRD Department; you can do more than you think by McCoy, Carol P (The Jossey-Bass Management Series)