Dear Sir, Please Post this messsage in the LIS Forum. * * * * *KERALA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, KOZHIKODE REGION* * * *in association with* * * *DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT AND DELISAA, UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT * * * * * * * *Organises* * * * * * * *Seminar on * * * *BEST PRACTICES IN LIBRARIES* * * * * * * * * * * *on* *16th January 2010* * * *At 9-00am* * * * * * * * * Venue : Seminar Hall, ASC, University of Calicut * * *Librarianship and the information profession are now passing through an all time crucial phase as the old practices are unable to stand the irresistible paradigm shift that is sweeping across the world. The best thing about the traditional library technologies and the ‘classical’ practices are that they are filed proven, time tested and are in vogue for more than several decades and a century. The ways in which the library in-house activities and the plethora of information services performed across the profession from time to time had emerged as accepted norms and tools, practice guidelines, best practices and eventually they were accepted as common practices too. During the past five to seven years the information professionals’ lives have been made extremely challenging and at times even made miserable with the tremendous developments in technology, especially the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the amazing speed with which it started diffusing into the information domain in particular and the society at large. One has to also appreciate the host of opportunities and solutions these technologies offer the information professionals a way smooth forward. No sensible information system in the world will ever dare to ignore or sideline the significance and relevance of the paper paradigm and the traditional systems. At the same token, the information profession should indeed proactively and efficiently address the requirements of the new world order. In other words, in the current information environment, libraries need to strategically envision and fabricate a hybrid and a vibrant information system by leveraging on the latest digital technologies as well as the traditional paper technologies.* *The Kerala Library Association, the pioneer professional association in Kerala is joining its hands with Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut and the Alumni Association of the Department to bring about awareness among the academic and professional communities bout the influx of new technology and practices in the Library and Information field.* *Seminar Themes* The One-Day Seminar on Best Practices in Libraries is set to unleash the topic on the following facets: 1. Best Practices in Library – User Interfacing; 2. Best Practices in Library & Information Marketing; 3. Best Practices in Information Literacy Missions; 4. Best Practices in ICT Applications; 5. Best Practices in Professional Capacity Building & Continuing Education. *Speakers* Experts in the field of Library & Information Science and library patrons will be sharing their vast treasure of knowledge and experience with the audience during the Seminar. *You are invited to be with us on the 16th January 2010 to receive and share the experiences and feelings.* *For more details please contact:* 1. Dr. M. G. Sreekumar, President KLA, Kozhikode Region, E-mail: mgsree@iimk.ac.in 2. Dr. Jalaja, V., Head, DLIS, University of Calict, E-mail: jalajadlis@yahoo.com 3. Dr. Dineshan Koovakkai, Secretary, KLA, Kozhikode Region, E-mail: dineshank@gmail.com -- Dr.Dineshan Koovakkai Assistant Librarian Central University of Kerala Vidyanagar P.O. Kasargod Blog: www.dineshkoovakkai.blogspot.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.