dear pratap,
thanks for the email. here are my answers to your questions...
its not mandatory to uplaod a full-text of the document. its an
option. but if it is uploaded it has to be checked for the publishers
copy-rught. they are avaialble on sherpa/romeo
unfortunately for most of the indian publishers such type of policies
are not avaialble.
so, for any publishers embargo, you can upload the document but will
make it visitble to the users in the institution and outside the
institution, people may request for the full-text with 'request
button' and it will generate a mail and would be sent to the pricipal
contact (author) to send the article.
r u building institutionsl repository?? need any help plz contact us
at IARI on head_usi@iari.res.in
Thanks & Regards
Sridhar Gutam PhD, ARS, PG Dip Patent Laws (NALSAR), IP & Biotechnology (WIPO)
Unit of Simulation and Informatics
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Pusa Campus, New Delhi 110012
Mobile: +91-9582791355
http://www.iari.res.in; http://works.bepress.com/sridhar_gutam/
On 25 November 2010 16:09, Dr.D.P Prathap
dear colleagues
Please clarify....
In an Institutional Repository, publications of the Institute are made available in full-text for free access by any one, of course full-text is subject to publiser's embargo period.
With the copyright held by the publishers for the artilces for ever, I would like to know what type of agreement between the publisher and the authors of the Institute enable the full-text Institutional Repository accessable by anybody.
What is the difference between "request a copy" form for an article under Embargo period AND making it available in full-text in IR itself.
Sincerely Technical officer (Library) Sugarcane Breeding Institute
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