Dear All, Its my pleasure to inform you that the Koha launched during our recent Workshop on “Library Automation (Koha), Content Management System (Joomla) & Data Migration: Challenges & Prospects” is now online and can be accessed over internet. We have started initially to catalog all our e-books, but will use for other purpose also in future. Koha at NIT Rourkela: http://opac.nitrkl.ac.in/ Many renowned institutes are subscribing/purchasing e-books but few are not maintaining catalog, therefore koha is the best one to manage and easy to catalog for better usages statistics of those costly resources. Please feel free to contact if you are willing to implement koha for such purpose because its simply a matter of one simple PC and we can do the things remotely. Thanking You. With regards, Vinod Kumar Mishra, Assistant Librarian, (Library In-Charge) Biju Patnaik Central Library, NIT Rourkela, Mob:91+9439420860 91+6612462103 (O) email: vinod_librarian@rediffmail.com : mishravk79@gmail.com -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.