3 day schedule starting Friday, July 15, 2005 (Summer 2005) in Los Angeles. Please see the website for the course description, location, and nearby hotels. The class description is at http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html All of the printed class materials are available free on the Internet for those who cannot attend the class: http://www.archivebuilders.com/whitepapers/index.html] Also available as a customized, on-site course. All of the materials can be downloaded with a single click and then printed with a single click. The materials are in a full text searchable PDF file. All acronyms are spelled out. You can also download the materials as native Microsoft Office files so that you can incorporate these materials in your presentations, publications, or papers. --- This course is for managers who have been assigned to manage a document imaging system, and must start immediately, This course is designed to assist managers to be more effective in bringing the immediate and long term benefits of document imaging and document management to their organizations and to their organizations' clients, customers, and constituents. Students will gain an understanding of how document imaging can be used and managed in both small and large-scale organizations. Document imaging is the process of scanning paper or microfilm documents. Document imaging moves the documents from their hard-copy format on shelves and in file cabinets to a digital format stored in computer based document repositories. Document management organizes scanned documents, paper documents, and born-digital documents in their native-format, for compliance with records retention requirements, including permanent preservation. The course content is intended to be useful to students in their professional work for twenty years into the future and is also intended to be useful for planning to preserve digital documents forever. The course may be too broad for those students seeking to learn a specific software application. Students will learn about the technology of scanning, importing, transmitting, organizing, indexing, storing, protecting, searching, retrieving, viewing, printing, preserving, and authenticating documents for document imaging systems, and archives. Image and document formats, metadata, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), multimedia, rich text, PDF (Portable Document Format), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), CAD (Computer Aided Design), VR (Virtual Reality) and GPS (Global Positioning System) indices, image enabled databases, data visualization, finite element analysis models, animations, molecular models, RAM (Random Access Memory) based SQL (Structured Query Language) databases, knowledge management, data warehousing, records inventories, retention schedules, black and white, grayscale, and color scanning, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), multispectral imaging, audio and video digitizing, destructive (lossy) and non-destructive (lossless) compression, digital signatures and seals, encryption, the three components of vision: resolution, color, and motion, the imaging technology of continuous tone, halftoning, dithering, and pixels, RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) fault tolerance, ECCs (Error Correcting Codes for RAID, CD, and DVD), and mirrored site disaster planning will be discussed. System design issues in hardware, software, networking, ergonomics, and workflow will be covered. Emerging technologies such as the DVD Digital Video Disc, HDTV (High Definition TV), and very high speed Internet, intranet, and extranet links, Internet protocol stacks, and Internet 2 will be presented. The course will include the DVD's role in completing the convergence of the PC and television, the convergence of telephony, cable, and the Internet, the merging of home and office, the merging of business and entertainment, and the management of the resulting document types. this couse very useful for records managers, librarians, and archivists work with document management issues every day. [http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html] Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline. 3 day schedule starting Friday, July 15, 2005 (Summer 2005) in Los Angeles. Please see the website for the course description, location, and nearby hotels. The class description is at http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html All of the printed class materials are available free on the Internet for those who cannot attend the class: http://www.archivebuilders.com/whitepapers/index.html http://www.archivebuilders.com/whitepapers/index.html ] Also available as a customized, on-site course. All of the materials can be downloaded with a single click and then printed with a single click. The materials are in a full text searchable PDF file. All acronyms are spelled out. You can also download the materials as native Microsoft Office files so that you can incorporate these materials in your presentations, publications, or papers. --- This course is for managers who have been assigned to manage a document imaging system, and must start immediately, This course is designed to assist managers to be more effective in bringing the immediate and long term benefits of document imaging and document management to their organizations and to their organizations' clients, customers, and constituents. Students will gain an understanding of how document imaging can be used and managed in both small and large-scale organizations. Document imaging is the process of scanning paper or microfilm documents. Document imaging moves the documents from their hard-copy format on shelves and in file cabinets to a digital format stored in computer based document repositories. Document management organizes scanned documents, paper documents, and born-digital documents in their native-format, for compliance with records retention requirements, including permanent preservation. The course content is intended to be useful to students in their professional work for twenty years into the future and is also intended to be useful for planning to preserve digital documents forever. The course may be too broad for those students seeking to learn a specific software application. Students will learn about the technology of scanning, importing, transmitting, organizing, indexing, storing, protecting, searching, retrieving, viewing, printing, preserving, and authenticating documents for document imaging systems, and archives. Image and document formats, metadata, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), multimedia, rich text, PDF (Portable Document Format), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), CAD (Computer Aided Design), VR (Virtual Reality) and GPS (Global Positioning System) indices, image enabled databases, data visualization, finite element analysis models, animations, molecular models, RAM (Random Access Memory) based SQL (Structured Query Language) databases, knowledge management, data warehousing, records inventories, retention schedules, black and white, grayscale, and color scanning, OCR (Optical Character Recognition), multispectral imaging, audio and video digitizing, destructive (lossy) and non-destructive (lossless) compression, digital signatures and seals, encryption, the three components of vision: resolution, color, and motion, the imaging technology of continuous tone, halftoning, dithering, and pixels, RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) fault tolerance, ECCs (Error Correcting Codes for RAID, CD, and DVD), and mirrored site disaster planning will be discussed. System design issues in hardware, software, networking, ergonomics, and workflow will be covered. Emerging technologies such as the DVD Digital Video Disc, HDTV (High Definition TV), and very high speed Internet, intranet, and extranet links, Internet protocol stacks, and Internet 2 will be presented. The course will include the DVD's role in completing the convergence of the PC and television, the convergence of telephony, cable, and the Internet, the merging of home and office, the merging of business and entertainment, and the management of the resulting document types. this couse very useful for records managers, librarians, and archivists work with document management issues every day. [ http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html http://www.archivebuilders.com/abcourses.html ] http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrim... Yahoo! India Matrimony : Find your life partner http://in.rd.yahoo.com/specials/mailtg2/*http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matri... online .