Dear all,
The professional associations should take the issue with utmost
seriousness. When there is table for minor and major research project for
library professionals, why it is deleted from U.G.C. Plan.
Dr. Jivesh Bansal
Sr. Assistant Librarian,
Panjab University Library,
(M)- 098154-40621
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Ajay Kamble
Dear all,
It is clearly mentioned in UGC's new guidelines for Major and Minor Research Projects that :
1. For Major Research Projects, *Only the teaching faculty of Library Science, Physical Education, Principals and Vice-Chancellors will also be eligible to participate in the scheme.
* 2. For Minor Research Projects,* * *Only the teaching faculty of Library Science, Physical Education will also be eligible to participate in the scheme.
* 1. Two words "Only" and "also" are creating Chaos in every library professional's mind.
2. Whether UGC consider Librarians as the teaching faculty or academic staff?
3. Does it means Librarians are kept away from the benefits of this scheme.
4. Then why Table of Minor and Major Research projects are still there in the API form of Library professionals?
-- Thanks and Regards,
Ajay M. Kamble Librarian Annasaheb Vartak Arts, Commerce, Science College, Vasai Road (W), Dist. Thane - 401202 www.mlsc.co.nr www.ajaykamble.co.nr
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