Dear Professionals, Sub: National seminar on Challenges in Delivering Quality Services in Management and Technical Libraries on April 25 - 26, 2003 at TAPMI Manipal. . It is happy to note that the response to seminar is very good. Many papers papers have been submitted by faculty memebrs and library professionals for presentation. Prof. Balaveera Reddy Vice Chancellor of VTU and BM Hedge, VC of MAHE will be the Chief guests for inaugural and validictory sessions. the dates are nearing , if you have not registered, you do the same immeidately so that we can reserve accommodation. You can pay the registration fee at registration counter. but please register your in advance fo rnecessary arrangeements. As you know the registration fee Rs.500/ includes boarding and lodging at TAPMI Hostel. Plus Registration KIT. Rigister by giving your name, designation, postal address + email. We are plannnig to distribute participants' list on seminar day. Dr. Manjunatha K Librarian and organising secretary, T.A. Pai Management Institute Manipal - 576 119, Udupi Dist. Karnataka, India Ph: 91- 08252 - 573551(O) 575161(R) Fax: 91- 08252 - 570699/570622 email: manjunath@mail.tapmi.org; manju_tapmi@yahoo.com