Good suggestion Dr Rao. We are indexing Indian Biomedical Journals atNIC. The product IndMED is freely accessible from I would be very happy if some people come forward in contributingdata.
But can we look beyond indexing?. Why not actively involve ourselvesin Open Access Archiving ? I have been making repeated requests toMedical and Allied Sciences Librarians to come forward and contributeto our archive at . We have to help and motivateour scientists/students and faculty members to self-archivepre-published (pre-preprints) and post-prints of their articles. Wecan also undertake the task of meta-data [indexing] generation for ourclients. This will expose the meta-data [indexing record] of IndianDocuments world wide by virtue of OAI-PMH [ a protocol by which thedata would be automatically share with that of other repositoriesworld wide]This will better expose our national output.
And remember this is going to happen, the question is who is going todo it? WE or Others?
--Sukhdev Singh, NIC.http://openmed.nic.in
On 1/5/06, Chitra P Rao wrote:>> I would like to pose a cooperative venture for all Librarians who are> interested in Article Indexing of Indian Journals in Science and> Technology, Mediacl or Social Sciences or other.>> Project is vcery simple: each librray will identify 2-3 journals which> will be indexted and posted by them in a common Database ( we can identify> this collectively). Once all participating Libraries identify which> journals they will Index we can have a list of Indian journals in the> Above mentioned subject Categories or more.. Once this is identified we> next Identify where we can index.. Ernet and NCST used to do this I> vaguely remember.. We can put our minds together ..Each and every Library> will commit to index the current year and 2 years backdated journal ..>> Within no time we can have a national database of Indexted articles in> Indian Journals.. This can be next converted into a CD format for every> participating Library and we can upload it onto as many open access sites> as possible..>> I invite comments legalities etc on this and hope to start on a positive> note on this..>> Chitra Rao>> Sr Librarian and Head LIS> NITIE Mumbai 400 087> ph: 28573371 extn 337> _______________________________________________> LIS-Forum mailing list>>>