Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS) - Chennai Chapter Monthly Lecture Series Sep 2005 Topic: Public Speaking Speaker: Mr. Muthiah Ramanathan, Director - Training, of Mind Dynamics 10 A.M Venu: Connemara Public Library, Chennai Date: 11 Sep 2005 About the Speaker: Mr. Muthiah Ramanathan, Director - Training, of Mind Dynamics Center also serves as the President of the Hypnotique Circle, Chennai. He is a certified Trainer in N L P from the National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Psychology, Florida, U S A., He also serves as Faculty, in the Academy of Insurance Marketing and Management. He specializes in Behavioural Psychology and Hypno-analysis. Has undergone extensive training in Advanced Transactional Analysis from the I T A A International Transactional Analysis Association. Has presented training programs for more than a decade on Management, H R D, Organizational Behaviour, Psychology, and Personality Development for well over 10,000 people. Has written a Best-seller Book in Tamil on The Powers of the Sub-conscious Mind and Hypnosis, published by Kannadhasan Publications Has created audio-cassettes on Physical and Psychological well-being The Art of Relaxation, Stress Management, Time Management etc. Has presented a series of talks for more than an year on, Self Development in Tamil Radio Television and Tamil Television Network. Conducted programmes for more than 100 organisations ______________________________________________________ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.