From: clbhu@sify.com Dear Sir We are happy to inform you that the Central Library, Banaras Hindu University is going to organize a Seminar on "Digital Preservation of Manuscripts and Rare Materials" on 24th December 2005. The Seminar aims to provide education & training to the library professional & other concerned persons for the Digital Preservation of Manuscripts & Rare Materials. We request you to kindly publish our seminar news in your journal.Thanking you,Yours faithfully,Dr. Sanjiv SarafDy. Librarian, Central Library, BHU &Organising Secretary,National Seminar of Digial Preservation of Manuscripts and Rare Materialse-mail: gyanshrisanjiv@rediffmail.com clbhu@sify.com --------------------------------- How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos From: clbhu@sify.com Dear Sir We are happy to inform you that the Central Library, Banaras Hindu University is going to organize a Seminar on "Digital Preservation of Manuscripts and Rare Materials" on 24th December 2005. The Seminar aims to provide education & training to the library professional & other concerned persons for the Digital Preservation of Manuscripts & Rare Materials. We request you to kindly publish our seminar news in your journal. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Dr. Sanjiv Saraf Dy. Librarian, Central Library, BHU & Organising Secretary, National Seminar of Digial Preservation of Manuscripts and Rare Materials e-mail: gyanshrisanjiv@rediffmail.com clbhu@sify.com http://ads.sify.com/RealMedia/ads/click_nx.ads/mail.sify.com/sentmail@Bottom How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail/uk/taglines/default/photos/*http://uk.photos.yah... Get Yahoo! Photos