Dear LIS Professionals, You are cordially invited for the brainstorming session on "Library Subscriptions Management". Objective of this programme is to provide a platform to discuss, debate and brainstorm about the Library Subscriptions. Experienced and leading Library subscription managers/librarians/teachers are getting together to share their views, experiences and challenges. Following are the programme details. Event: Brainstorming Session on "Library Subscriptions Management" Panelists: Experts from different LIS segments Date and Time: Wednesday, Dec 30, 2009 @ 5.30 p.m. Venue: KARNATAKA STATE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION # 702, Upstairs, 42nd Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore- 560010 Organisers:Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) in collaboration with Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) Appreciate if you could confirm your participation by email. Very sorry for the short notice. Best Regards, Ananda Byrappa General Secretary, KALA Ananda.byrappa@ge.com