Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 18:00:26 +0000 (GMT)
From: Subbiah Arunachalam
Here is a news item I read and in a way it made me a
bit sad.
Papers of Harold Varmus
The National Library of Medicine has released an OA
collection of the papers of Harold Varmus, Nobel
laureate, former director of the NIH, president and
director of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, and co-founder of the Public Library of
Science. Sloan-Kettering has its own collection.
(Thanks to Klaus Graf.)
Why am I sad? It is very good that whoever wants to
read the papers of Prof. Varmus can read all of them
in full text. That makes me happy. But what about the
papers of the great scientists of India? For example,
when are we going to digitize and make available
through open access repositories the collected works
of Srinivasa Ramanujan, C V Raman, Meghnad Saha,
Satyen Bose, J C Bose, G N Ramachandran, C R Rao, C N
R Rao and several others? Years ago, CSIR brought out
the collected papers of Meghnad Saha in print.
Indeed, INSA and IASc should join hands and digitize
the collected works of all their Fellows - both
current and past - and make them available through an
interoperable repository. Also,
Best wishes.
[Subbiah Arunachalam]
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