Sorry for replying late.
You can check some of the database listed below. These are not sorted in any manner. Most of them have coverage on India except perhaps, Lexis-Nexis:
1. Capital Market's Cyberline (http://www.capitaline.com/)
2. EIU Country Data Global (http://dataservices.bvdep.com/)
3. EIU Country Indicator Global (http://dataservices.bvdep.com/)
4. EIU ViewsWire (http://www.viewswire.com/)
5. CRISINFAC's Industry Information Service & Ecoview
6. Global Market Information Database (GMID) (http://www.euromonitor.com/gmid/)
7. ISI Emerging Markets (http://site.securities.com/)
8. LEXIS-NEXIS (http://www.lexisnexis.com/) (coverage: UK/USA)
9. Investext Plus (http://www.galegroup.com/)
10. Prowess (http://www.cmie.com/products/prowess/index.htm)
11. India Stat (http://www.indiastat.com/)
12. Reuters Business Insight (http://www.reutersbusinessinsight.com/)
13. India Business Insight Database (IBID) (http://ibid.informindia.co.in/)
I hope this will be of some help.
Suvarsha Walters