From Peter Suber's blog "Open Access News"
More on NeuroCommons Paul Krill, Semantic Web eyed for life sciences data, InfoWorld, December 9, 2005. Excerpt: The Semantic Web is getting a boost in the life sciences arena. The Semantic Web involves a concept in which data from multiple sources and ontologies can be integrated into a single information space. Experiment design automation (XDA) software vendor Teranode, which focuses on software for life sciences, plans to collaborate with Science Commons to build a neurology repository for the Semantic Web. Called, the project will provide a free repository of neurology-related data, tools and pathway knowledge for use by public and private researchers. Science Commons is an effort launched to promote the free flow of scientific information....Science Commons will use the Teranode XDA infrastructure for All content will be available in the Resource Description Framework (RDF) format, allowing for participating foundations to use a shared repository of research.