(Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India)

National Conference


Knowledge Management in the Globalized era

      21st to  23rd April 2010 

                                      Web Bug from http://mail.google.com/mail/?name=d33be9805ff33117.jpg&attid=0.1&disp=vahi&view=att&th=125e47caa6779e37     

                                              Organized by 

Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India


                   ICAR Library, ICAR H.Q, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi

Library Information System, IASRI, PUSA, New Delhi 

AALDI (Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalist of India)

The Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India was founded in 1971 with  aim  to bring the Agricultural Librarians of the country on a platform to join heads to address matters of professional interests with eyes on improving library and information services. The Association embarked on the first General Body Meeting at Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur in June 1973, and decided to publish a periodical entitled “AALDI Bulletin” annually to give vent to the intellectual thought of the Agricultural Library Professionals. The efforts of the Association bore fruit in 1974 when the first volume of the periodical saw the light. To keep in pace with the changing scenario and concepts of librarianship, the title of the periodical was changed to Indian Journal of Agricultural Library & Information Science in 1983, and as Indian Journal of Agricultural Library & Information Services in 2008. Due to some unavoidable circumstances the Association became dormant and slowly passed into hibernation after 1993. It was revived during a Workshop on “KrishiPrabha - Indian Agricultural Dissertation Repository” held at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 0n 24.2.2008. 

ICAR Library, Indian Council of Agricultural Research H.Q, New Delhi

ICAR library was established in 1929 under one of the mandates of ICAR to render the information services to Scientists, Researchers, Policy makers, Farmers, Research managers etc. Its collection and clientale are specialized in agriculture and its allied sciences. The physical location of the library has been made in two locations i.e at Krishi Bhavan and Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan . The publications of Crop Sciences, Animal sciences and general interest like literature, religion, music, philosophy, culture, Indian constitution under theme "Indiana" and publications of Reference natured  are kept in Krishi Bhavan and  scientific literature on Veterinary, Dairy, Horticulture, Soil sciences, Engineering etc., are at Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, Pusa.

ICAR Library, Krishi Bhavan has been modernized, barcoded and computerized by using latest information technology and developed Information Kiosks, internet Surfing, On-line catalogue etc .The mandatory housekeeping activities of library have been automatized by using  "e-Granthalaya" software developed by the NIC . Online Databases & Services of ICAR library  can be accessed from http://www.icarlibrary.nic.in 

Library Information System , IASRI (Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute), New Delhi.

The Library Information System (LIS) of IASRI was established in 1968 and it has an excellent print and electronic resource base in the fields of Agricultural Statistics, Computer applications, Agricultural Economics and allied fields to support teaching, research and consultancy in the relevant areas. This is the referral and sole library in Agricultural Statistics and Computer Applications in India. It caters the information needs of Scientists, students, faculty and researchers, trainees of not only IASRI but also NARS in both conventional as well as in electronic. It has been  automated and bar-coded completely and digitized partially. All electronic services and resources of library  can be accessed from  http://lib.iasri.res.in. 

Who should Participate :

Library & Information professionals, Documentlists, Information Scientists, IT Professionals, Policy makers, Academicians, Students, Distance learners, e-Publishers and other stakeholders.

Pre-Conference Tutorials :

There will be Pre-Conference tutorials on MARC 21, WorldCat, Web 3.0  and Lib 2.0 technologies on 21.04.2010 for the benefit of the Librarians. These tutorials will be given by highly competent and expert professionals in their respective fields. The tutorials have been designed from a layman point of view so that the participants get an insight of the emerging technologies, besides getting basic understanding.

Venue : Auditorium, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, Library Avenue, PUSA Campus, New Delhi -100012

Conference :  Two days National Conference on “Knowledge Management in the Globalized era” will held on 22nd and 23rd April 2010 on below mentioned subthemes.

Venue : Lecture Hall, NAAS, NAS Complex, DPS Marg,  New Delhi -12

Call for Papers: Original Papers focusing on the theme /Subtheme of the Conference are invited for the presentation as well as for the Posters.       

Authors are requested to prepare papers based on original findings of research, case studies, etc. The papers, not exceeding 2500 words with an abstract of 250 words in MS Word format in A4 size with single column and single space, may be sent to the Organizing Secretary by e-mail at e-mail addresses : aaldisecretary09@gmail.com or visakhi@iasri.res.in before 28/02/2010. 

General Instruction for authors may been seen at http://www.aaldindia.webs.com/

Important dates:  

      S.No Date Particulars
      1 30/01/2010 Submission of Abstract
      2 28/02/2010

      Submission of Full paper

      3 15/03/2010 Acceptance of Papers
      4 30/03/2009 Intimation to the Author


Registration Fee :  Registration fee includes Conference kit, Lunch, tea and dinner ( if scheduled).

    Working Professionals
    Amount Particulars Date
    Rs. 1000 /- Tutorials 21/04/2010
    Rs. 1,500 /- 

    Rs. 2,000/-


    Both Tutorials & Conference




    21/04/2010 to 23/04/2010

    Retired professionals & Students Rs. 250/- 

    Rs. 500/-




 The Registration fee shall be sent in the form of Demand Draft in favour of “AALDI-Delhi”, payable at New Delhi. Registration fee is not refundable.

With Warm Regards,
Binod Singh Yadav

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