Training: Managing information resources in the digital age New Delhi, November 21-25, 2006 =============================== This unique course covers the management of information at an institutional level and effective dissemination using the web. The popular, hands-on training programme includes: - Sourcing information (information acquisition and research) - Classification and indexing (including digitised resources) - Developing and managing audio-visual resources (films, photos, CDs) - Library automation tools - Product planning, services and marketing - Digital library fundamentals (IT for information management) - Web-based tools for information outreach - Basic Webmaster skills - Developing an information resource centre: Planning Last date for registration: November 4, 2006 Register online >> http://www.cseindia.org/misc/library_form.htm For more information contact: Kiran Pandey < kiran@cseindia.org > Ms. Kiran Pandey **************************************************************** CENTRE FOR SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT ( CSE ) 41, TUGHLAKABAD INSTITUTIONAL AREA, NEW DELHI- 110 062 TELE: 29955124 29956110, 29956394,29956399 FAX : 91-11-29955879 VISIT US AT: http://www.cseindia.org Email: kiran@cseindia.org ext:233 ****************************************************************