Dear Professionals, The decision of UGC to give exemption to the M.Phil and Ph.D. Holders is not fair. It may be better if the UGC has rectified the defect if any in the NET exam. Maximum, the UGC can give exception for candidates with MPhil/PhD and some years of teaching/professional experience. Qualifing the NET by their students is a proud to the colleges/universities. If so, we can think who is favouring the present decision of the UGC. People who can not clear NET will be against the NET Exam. The arguments favouring the UGC decision are that, people are not getting cleared the NET easily. If we favour such arguments, why we want Post Graduate Degrees itself to become teachers. This will be like persons with telant in teaching, but with out subject knowledge. Why we want competitive exams for IAS, job, etc. The selection may be on the basis of marks in qualifying exams. like degree, PG, +2, etc. Another argument was why librarians qualify NET. Since the librarians are not engaged in imparting knowledge and research, of course we should not clear the NET. Moreover, we should not go for MPil/PhD. But, We NEED UGC SCALE. This is our only right as Librarians. Moreover, we should represent to change our designations from librarians/scientists/engineers/ etc. to librarians and if possible, as store keepers. Francis __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com