Dear Prof. Asundi and all Professional Friends,
Thank you Professor, probably you have given a cap for the discussion
on the topic of formation of LIS FEDERATION. I have appended (by
replying) below your expert views as many professionals would not
have seen it. All responses to the discussion initiated by Dr Shekar
have given sufficient insight on the issue including definition,
structure, purpose, functionality, legality, delayed action by all of
us in the matter, not to go for new associations, need for
strengthening and sensitising the existing ones, etc. Thank you Dr.
Shekar for your first Lis-forum posting resulting into lot of both
heated and soothing discussions, both through Lis-forum and private
mail exchanges (some of them received by me too). We definitely need
to have a Federation at Karnataka state level, as JOCLAI (mentioned by
Dr. MK Rao) is at national level. I am just a GC member of KALA not
an office bearer. Myself being in Germany right now I will send a mail
to all GC members and office bearers of KALA to take necessary steps
of inviting office bearers of all state level associations and state
level chapters of National Associations. Again I would like to mention
again, what Mr Sathyanarayana that this move would be to give the
boost for activities of all associations, give voice for Librarians,
cooperate each others activities, may be without going for one more
registration and definitely not consolidate power with one
When I was typing this mail, just now saw postings of Dr. Shekar,
Dr. Kannappanavar and Dr. Vasanth Raj. Thanks again Shekar for
agreeing to join the initiative to be taken in the formation of
Federation of LIS Associations. Whether the office bearers of newly
Merged Association (FUCLA) have taken members of their respective
associations or not is left to the members of both Karnataka Colleges
Librarians Association and KASULA (University Association). Being
outsider I can't comment on this matter.
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar
Ex. Visiting Professor and Library Adviser
Mysore University Library
University of Mysore
Manasagangotri, MYSORE - 570 006
Ex Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, NAL, Bangalore
E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com
On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 1:13 AM, Ashok Asundi
Dear all professionals,
I wanted to be kept away from this as it might raise some controversies. Last time I wrote on Plagiarism, it was relished by few but resented by many. I know there are some basic flaws in the formation of this Federation. First it should reflect the Profession and not position (it is named as Librarians, but not Library.) as we see medical, Bar council Engineers' associations and as I see it from my little knowledge in forming a group of 'like minded' people, an Association, a Trust a Society. As seen in the formation of the Federation, the first thing is a procedural lacuna. When we form an association, first we call a promoters meeting, then decide on forming, then we prepare a draft Memorandum of Association, (not Bi-laws as Mr.Shekar has mentioned - it should be Bye Laws). Then the promoters will submit a set of documents - Names, designations, occupations, age, addresses of people (Max. 15) etc., along with the Bye Laws with a prescribed fees to the Registrar of Societies (not Registrar of Cooperative Societies). After the Registration process is completed the Registrar will issue you a Certificate of Registration, then the Promoters/Founders will meet and elect the office-bearers. This federation has already announced the names of Office-bearers. I don't see any of this procedure is conformed to or not as Mr. Shekar states the Bi-laws are under preparation, what is the date of registration, Registration no., and when promoters met and decided form the body and the election/nomination/selection of Office Bearers. If the procedure is not followed and yet to be conformed to, at least the Memorandum of the Association, there is no locus standi for this Federation and collection of any membership announcement may lead to be illegal act.
I wish that all professional should, at this juncture come together, do brainstorming, discuss their problems (not only on CAS, Scales, but on status, professional identity etc.) and come to a conclusion to form a federation in systematic and procedural manner. What happened to some of the Associations formed with a bang and now almost no news, for instance, Indian Academic Librarians Association.
Indian Library profession has lacked proper leadership, and intent to say a Spade a Spade, and lead all in a homogenous manner. It has been happening since the days the our first national association was formed. We must learn lessons from the past and move forward to achieve success and De-accustomize to the game of divide and rule, which had made this country suffer the colonial rule for 200 years. One of my close friend in the University would say often "Only Gandhi's will be shot dead in this Country" and the fraudulent will make merry.
I appeal to all professionals to come together and discuss the issues. I think KALA is a right platform of ours as it has a history of not 25 years but of nearly 50 years.
Prof.A.Y.Asundi Professor and Chairman (Ret.) Department of Library and Information Science and Officer in charge, IT Centre, Bangalore University, Bangalore - 560056. # 77 3rd Main Road, Prashantanagar, Bangalore - 560079. Ph: 23287786, 9980815468
On Sunday, February 23, 2014 3:14 AM, Ishwar Goudar
wrote: Dear Professionals, I felt like ignoring the Lis-forum posting by Dr. Shekar about the formation of Federation of LIS Associations. In the interest of profession, which has nurtured me for the last 37 years and beyond, I thought of penning few lines giving some insights in this matter.
1. The idea of forming Federation of LIS Associations is fantastic. There are number of LIS Associations at different levels including National, State, District and Regional. Again we have sector /discipline wise associations like University, Special, Academic, School, Medical, College (Degree), PU College, Engineering, Management, etc. Some of the associations, at state level include KALA, AKELPA, Karnataka Medical Library Association, MyLISA, KSCLA, KASULA, DKKLA, IALA, IPLA (both although India level, more of Karnataka), KSSC/STLA, SIS Bangalore Chapter and many more. There are local/state chapters of few National level associations. There are ways and means to form a Federation of Associations, be it LIS or otherwise. Dr. Siddamallaiah has specified correct approach / definition in this matter.
Following are some questions of mine: Are there any answers by members of this group?
- Why only a small group of individuals met and decided on such an important matter? - Have they notified for a meeting, official or otherwise to any of the associations mentioned above? - Any announcement at least through any of the forums like Lis-forum? - When they have not done so, why this message through Lis-forum? They would have communicated the matter among themselves. - Did all members of GB and Office bearers of the Federation announced attend the meeting? I am sure > 70% did not attend. - Have they taken the consent of all of them before announcing their names in this list? - Don't you think that this step by few professionals divide the profession itself? - Don't you agree that we have sufficient number of association? Instead of strengthening the existing ones, should we divide the profession by forming new associations? The announced can''t be a Federation as they have not followed any acceptable procedure, at the most it can be another association, created to full fill somebody's personal interest. - What is the guarantee that the new association will meet the aspirations of all the professionals? - As reacted by one of the LIS faculty member, Can any one appreciate the following sentences in a welcoming note from a just born association?
* ...just finding fault on others and teaching Vedanta through some forums is very easy ...*
* ... none of the professional association opens up their mouth ...*
*... a Common platform to fight for the real cause ...* (as if all other associations are fake and not doing anything)
2. Among all the associations mentioned above KALA, started by Shri Devegowda, then DPI and Dr. SRR (initially as MyLA) has stood test of the time for all these years in spite of few hiccups. Some of us analysed the KALA situation and struggled to have best and active members (a blend of senior professionals and young and bubbling professionals) as GB members and also Office Bearers. We could convince Prof V.G. Talawar to shoulder the responsibility of KALA as its President. We co-opted senior and resourceful persons like Prof AY Asundi, Mr. NV Sathyanarayana, and Dr. KN Prasad as GB members/ or with some responsibility. KALA in its recent GB meeting held at Reva University under the Chairmanship of Prof. Talawar decided to go for federation of all LIS Associations by inviting the office bearers under the umbrella of KALA, i the strict sense of Federation, not with the intention of merging or coming in the way of their autonomy. I The text of the minutes says I quote "It was decided to federate all/various LIS associations in the State and to have lead role played by KALA. It was proposed to have meeting of Presidents and Secretaries of all the associations to discuss the modalities and functioning of this federation. Mr. Anand T. Byrappa was requested to prepare the draft for the proposal indicating modalities and functioning of federation to be discussed in the next GC meeting".
3. The KALA GB also decided to have district chapters and professionals were also identified for all districts, with representation of university, public and college libraries, etc. . Concerned persons were consulted and briefed about the move and official communication is getting ready for circulation. Prof. Talawar has taken personal interest and has not only been guiding KALA, but is part and parcel of all its activities and proceedings. Just now KALA has gone into the hands of strong and dedicated team.
4. As I am aware, there is no need to pay any membership fee to become individual member of any federation . Once any association becomes member of any federation, naturally members of all of associations can expect all benefits, unless associations concerned decide to collect additional membership fees for functioning of Federation. It all depends upon all members decision.
5. Dr. H.P. Shekar, who took the lead to form this Federation, in one of his Lis-forum posting on 29 Nov 2013, remarked about the Conference on "Save the Libraries and Librarianship" among many remarks, I quote "..... thinking to come out of this association and planning to formulate a standard state level association with the guidance of eminent personalities in LIS. In this context they approached me also..... " I don't understand what is the meaning of Standard State Level Association. If he thinks that none of the existing associations are useless, then why one should think of federating useless associations?
I have enjoyed best part of my professional life all these years and am retired with full satisfaction. I have kept myself away from any politics. Yes, I love my profession and that is why this response. But as Dr. Siddamallaiah has put it, I too don't have any aspirations of becoming office bearer of any association. Association is bigger than an individual and profession is bigger than an association. Let our profession prosper as a main stream of the society. I earnestly request all professionals including those in the list mentioned by Dr. Shekar to stay together as partners of this noble profession. Let us grow collectively. Let us support each other.
Dr. I.R.N. Goudar Ex. Visiting Professor and Library Adviser Mysore University Library University of Mysore Manasagangotri, MYSORE - 570 006 Ex Scientist 'G' and Head, ICAST, NAL, Bangalore E-mail: goudarishwar@gmail.com
On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 5:33 AM, Shekar H P
wrote: Dear All,
It is good to see the postings of Dr. IRN Goudar and the suggestions / opinions expressed by other professional friends across India too.
I am closely watching the activities of most of the LIS associations in India since 23 years. As you all know, none of the association in the state / India thinking in this direction (as pointed out by IRN Goudar) and raising their voice. It is true that, we cannot ignore the share of past Presidents of different LIS associations and their teams too. On the other side, Congratulations to S.L.Faisal and his team of KendriyaVidyalaya Library professionals who took a lead and preparing manual. We should appreciate their effort.
Hope you all agree with me, just finding fault on others and teaching Vedanta through some forums is very easy. But the contribution of every individual counts in implementing /achieving these goals and objectives.
Since most of the associations have their own objectives limited to their service environment / platforms like PU Colleges / First grade Colleges / Universities etc., it is difficult for them to think broadly profession as a whole and concentrating on the Policy issues / Procedure/ Decisions etc taking place in the professional field. As expressed by one of the senior Professor N. Laxman Rao 'the problems are increasing year after the year. Especially now the status and facilities given to academic librarians is at stake. One after the other the facilities are being removed. It is true that our recognition is going from bad to worse. It is high time that the Associations take lead and do something for the profession'.
Sri.N.V.Satyanaraya, CMD, Informatics India, also rightly pointed out (during the general body meeting of KALA recently) and gave a call to all the regional / national LIS professional associations to unite under one tree and form a FEDERATION to take lead in the state / National level. So that there will be a strength to fight for the cause. But even after so many postings / discussions none of the professional association opens up their mouth and ready to shoulder the responsibility.
Based on these grounds, in the interest of the budding librarians and the professional zeal, we are happy to announce that, like minded Senior LIS professionals of the State, Office bearers of different associations with the representatives (belongs to both Govt. and Private college libraries) of PU Colleges, First grade Colleges, Universities, Law, Medical, Engineering, B.Ed/TCH, Polytechnics, Business Schools, Public Libraries etc. have decided to shoulder the responsibility, joined together and formed a FEDERATION - An Apex body of LIS professionals in the state and a Common platform to fight for the real cause within the state and Govt. of India / UGC as well.
The first meeting after formation of the FEDERATION was held on 15th February 2014at Hasanath Women's College, Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore.
*FOUNDER SECRETARIAT OF THE FEDERATION: (Initially for three years 2014-2017)*
1. Dr. S.L.Kadadevaramath - President
2. Mr.M.N.N.Prasad - Sr. Vice President
3. Dr. Ganapathi Z Shinde - Vice President
4. Dr. T.Y. Mallaiah - Vice President
5. Dr. H.P. Shekar - Vice President
6. Dr. Satish Hosamani - Vice President
7. Dr. Mallikarjuna Vaddanakeri - Vice President
8. Dr. B.U.Kannappanavar - General Secretary
9. Dr. H.R. Sujatha - Joint Secretary
10. Dr. B.R. Radha Krishna - Joint Secretary
11. Mr. G.R. Chikkamath - Joint Secretary
12. Mr. Umesh K Bagewadi - Treasurer
1. Dr. Vijay Rajkumar U.S.
2. Dr. N.Kotresh
3. Dr. N.N. Arabagonda
4. Mr. S.M. Dheeraj
5. Mrs. D. Sujatha
6. Mr. B.S Malvad
7. Mr. S. Shyamasundar
8. Mr. M.M. Hebballi
9. Mr. B.P. Bandi
10. Mr. Rajesh Kumbar
11. Dr. MallikarjunMulimani
12. Dr. Vasappagouda
13. Mr. Gurumurthy
14. Mr. Guruprasad
15. Mr. Mallikarjun
16. Ms. V. Sunitha
17. Mr. Gurushankaraiah
The Members of the Federation are preparing the Bi-law, aims and objectives of the Federation in detail.Valid Suggestions are welcome before the next meeting scheduled on 30.3.2014. The Federation requests all the Librarians and Library professional Associations in Karnataka to join their hand by becoming members of the federation. Individual Life Membership fee would be Rs.1000/- only.
*Please Note:* A delegation is planned to Delhi to submit a memorandum to MHRD / UGC on Minor / Major Projects to Librarians and FDP during First week of March 2014 (on top priority).
*All Communications may be addressed to:*
Dr. B.U.Kannappanavar,
General Secretary, FEKLA, &Librarian,
Sahyadri College,B.H. Road,
Email: kannappanavar@gmail.com
Phone: 09480329897 / 09449070311 -- *Dr. Shekar H.P.* Head, Knowledge Resource Centre IBS Business School, #231, Near Kengeri Check post Mysore Road, Bangalore-560060 Karnataka - India Ph: (O): 080-66222244
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