Dear All, National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), is a division of India's premier research Centre, the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). NCRA has setup world's largest radio telescope Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at metre wavelengths at Khodad, Narayangaon. NCRA is organising a 3-day workshop titled "Creating Digital Libraries using DSpace Open Source Software" during 24-26 July 2006 at its premises in the Pune University Campus. Noted speakers, such as ARD Prasad of DRTC, Bangalore, Devika Madalli of DRTC, Bangalore and Aditya Tripathi of Banaras Hindu University, will be conducting the workshop sessions. NCRA has set up an excellent computer laboratory for this purpose. We take this opportunity to invite you to attend the workshop inaugural ceremony followed by a talk Topic : Open Acess to Information Speaker : Dr. ARD Prasad, DRTC, Bangalore Date, Time and Venue : 24 July 2006, 9.30 am, NCRA Auditorium, Pune Abstract of the talk : The escalating cost of scientific journals rendered many institutional libraries to cut down the number of journals being subscribed. This is more apparent in the case of developing countries. The Consortia approach to journal subscription is a deceptive device introduced by journal publishing industry on their own terms. The journal publishing industry is heavily protected by copyright laws and they own the copyright of the articles published. The basic questions are: 1)Does the journal publishing industry sponsor scientific research? 2)Can you think of product in the market where the producer does not get a penny? 3)When much of the research is funded by public (government) funds, how come neither the funding agency nor the individual scientist own the copyright? 4)When journals are heavily priced, can they have wider audience and consequently cited by other research colleagues? Similar questions resulted in many scientific and research communities to championize "Open Access to Information Movement". The objective of the movement is to allow universal / free access to scientific / research publications. Presently, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists more than 2300 journals in various disciplines. Just as universal education is aimed at overall development of the society, universal access to information would result faster scientific development. All are cordially invited to attend this inaugural ceremony. Please confirm your participation by email/phone at the earliest to make necessary arrangements. library@ncra.tifr.res.in, sunitab@ncra.tifr.res.in or telephone (25697107, 25691384/85 Xtn:211). Looking forward to seeing you. with regards, sincerely, Sunita Barve Library-In-Charge National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Post Bag No. 3, Pune Univ. Campus Pune 411 007, INDIA Phone : 91-20-25697107, 25691384, 25691385 Ext. 211 FAX : 91-20-25697257 Email :sunitab@ncra.tifr.res.in ; library@ncra.tifr.res.in