Dear Sir/Madam,

We are pleased to invite you to the General Body Meeting of the Karnataka State Library Association (R), scheduled as follows:

Date  : Sunday, 1st December 2024
Time  : 11:00 AM  
Venue : Granthangana, City Central Library, West Zone, RPC Layout, Bengaluru – 560 040

1. Presentation of Annual Reports on KALA activities for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24
2. Review and approval of the Audit Statements for 2022-23 and 2023-24
3. Elections to the Governing Body for the term 2024-2026

Your participation is crucial, and we kindly request you to make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely,  
Dr. Subhash Reddy B  
General Secretary  
Karnataka State Library Association (R)