eProfile of Marcus P. Zillman in _Library Hi Tech News_ I am pleased to announce the publication and availability of my latest eProfile in _Library Hi Tech News_ - "Z as in Zillman." '"Z as in Zillman" is a descriptive review of the publications and (mostly free) information resources and services provided by Zillman: "Z as in Zillman," Library Hi Tech News 21, no. 9 (November 2004): 25-30. Self-archived at [ http://www.public.iastate.edu/~gerrymck/Zillman.pdf ] The products and services I profile in my review include: *** Zillman Columns *** [ http://www.zillmancolumns.com ] "Since 1996, Zillman has also published regular columns that focus on timely Web topics (www.zillmancolumns.com). In 2004, for example, his columns included: * Student Research Resources on the Internet (October) * Grid and Distributed Computing Resources on the Internet (September) * Financial Sources on the Internet (August) * Data Mining Resources on the Internet (July) * Healthcare Resources on the Internet (June) * eCommerce Resources on the Internet (May) * Survey Resources on the Internet (April) * Privacy Resources and Sites on the Internet (March) * Finding People Resources and Sites on the Internet (February) * Finding Experts on the Internet (January) *** Awareness Watch* Newsletter *** [ http://www.awarenesswatch.com ] As exemplified by the Awareness Watch* Newsletter (www.awarenesswatch.com), a major theme in the work of Zillman is related to current awareness about quality information Web resources. His Awareness Watch* Newsletter is "a free monthly publication that * highlight[s] * . First published in December 2003, issues of this newsletter have profiled a range of Web sites and resources that include: * Anti-Virus, AntiHoax, AntiMyth, AntiFraud, AntiChain Letter and Anti-Spam sites on the Internet * Browsers and Information Visualization Tools * Business Intelligence Resources * Deep web and the Invisible web * Demographics and Statistics Resources * Information Alerts * Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Harvesting Sources * Niched Blog Search Engines, Blog Directories, and Web-based News Aggregators * Quality Information Resources, and * Subject Directories, Gateways, and Portals. *** Subject Tracer* Information Blogs *** [ http://www.subjecttracer.com ] One of the most innovative publication series developed by Zillman is his Subject Tracer* Information Blogs (www.subjecttracer.com). As described by Zillman, "a subject tracer is a blog created with the help of bots that monitor/collect the latest information on a subject on the Net" and "then update the [Subject Tracer*] blogs after determining the quality and competency of the source and data" (Murali, 2004). *** Books *** Zillman's publication efforts are not limited to compilations of quality Web-based resources. He is also the author of two major books: Internet Sources* Manual and Mining the Invisible Web. The Internet Sources* Manual (www.internetsources.info) is "a 378 page manual listing all the very latest and greatest sources and [Web] sites * that have been compiled over the [course] of the last ten years *. ." [SNIP] Coauthored with Sundar Kadayam, Mining the Invisible Web (www.miningtheinvisibleweb.com) provides a comprehensive and detailed review of significant Hidden Web resources and the tools necessary to identify and harvest such resources. *** Internet MiniGuides * *** [ http://www.internetminiguide.com/ ] Many of the topics found in Zillman's Web-based compilations are covered more extensively in a 'miniguide' series. The current Internet MiniGuides (www.internetminiguide.com) include: * Academic Resources * Advertising, Marketing, and Public Relations Resources * Business Resources * Competitive Intelligence Resources * Education and Distance Learning Resources * Healthcare Resources * International Trade Resources * Legal Resources, and * Security Resources. Each Internet MiniGuide contains "... hundreds of the very best links to relevant and competent resources. All links are listed with complete URLs and verified for activation. The resources, services that are profiled include White Papers [http://www.whitepapers.us/], Current Awareness Happenings on the Internet [http://listentomarcus.blogspot.com/] Watch Marcus* [ http://www.watchmarcus.com/ ] and a personal blog [ http://www.zillman.us/ ]. Thanks (again) Marcus for All Your Great Resources and Services!!! /Gerry Gerry McKiernan Marked Librarian Iowa State University Ames IA 50011 gerrymck@iastate.edu